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Planning For Helicopter Training

Helicopter training is your gateway to becoming a helicopter pilot (helicopter license is the key). This is why you should carefully plan that whole process of enrolling and getting the license. To help you out on this, here are the important things you must know:
Plan your finances
Among all the important things you should do, planning your finances should be on the top of your list. Take note that the whole helicopter training course is expensive and involves a long time commitment. Indulge only to this commitment if you can pay the training from start to finish. If you think you cannot make it through, there are several financial aids that would lessen the financial burden you carry. Some training schools also have special payment schemes that you can take advantage of in order to get through the training.
Planning yourself
Believe it or not, many aspire to become a helicopter pilot but few only make it to become one. One reason is that these people are not physically fit to fly a helicopter. It may be because of physical disability. It may also because they are not prepared mentally. Both these factors could cost the dream of flying to remain a dream. Another reason is that some are not into the noise and the vibration of the helicopter (this is much like the people who want to ride an airplane but are scared of flying). If you really want to enroll at a helicopter training school, make sure you are physically and mentally ready.
Choosing the helicopter training school
In choosing the helicopter training school, you should consider the location and cost of the training.
Since not all states have helicopter training school, enrolling yourself at a training school could mean relocating. Now, the cost of relocation is too much. This means an added cost to the training fee. Some schools include accommodation while you train for an extra cost. Make sure you check on this.
Cost of training usually ranges between $20,000 to $45,000 depending on the type of training school.
You should also choose your helicopter training school based on the following criteria: the type of course they provide, the payment scheme, the time of training, the duration of the training, safety guidelines, insurance to the student, housing, school facilities, types of training helicopters they use, ground-school training program, job vacancy program, instructors and staff, and FAA certificates.

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