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For A Safe Weight Loss; Try The Gen 1:29 Diet (part 2)

In continuation of part one of this article, listed below will be the list of other common items that should form the basis of a proper diet for a safe weight-loss regimen. Combined with proper exercise and mental attunements, these substances will make the drugless foundation for a quick and safe weight loss, naturally and without the dangerous and unnecessary side-effects of modern day concoctions and diet fads.
Moreover, you will experience improved health, delayed aging, increased flexibility, clearer skin, brighter eyes and mental sharpness to name a few of its many benefits.
These are the rest of the foods for a healthy diet when aiming for a safe weight loss as suggested in the first part of this article.
Safe Weight Loss Diet: Items for Consumption (D-T)
9. Dates:
NATURAL CANDY! They are loaded with tons of nutrients unlike their artificial counterfeits: candies in the store, but like them have to be eaten in moderation say 4-5 in the spring and summer times and 5-15 (medium sized ones) fall and winter times.
Try to eat dates 12 minutes or so after a mono meal of a sweet fruit say bananas or mangoes and 10 minutes before a stalk of Celery or lettuce. Barhi or honey dates are my personal favorites. According to Dr. Arnold Ehret they are excellent mucus absorbers as well. They are great sources of quick energy and surprisingly, proteins.
10. Figs:
When in season, these one of a kind fruits are powerfully cleansing and rank very high as detoxifying and body building elements. Buy them only in season (summer times) it’s the favorite of African Chimpanzees.
11. Grapes:
They are great sources of powerful antioxidants. Ensure to eat them organically and in season only (summer). Also try to get the seeded ones. They are one of the best foods to break a fast with. Dried, they make your raisins.
12. Lemons:
This is about the only non-sweet fruit that I personally include in my diet. It has ascorbic properties and when squeezed fresh in warm water first thing in the morning can be unrivaled in beating constipation and alleviating overall lethargy. It is one of the most alkaline forming foods in spite of its acidic taste and it's available year round.

12. Lettuce:
The king of Vegetables. Even plain, they have an excellent taste to them. They are highly perishable though and thus need to be consumed soon after purchase. It is the basis of many a salad and is a great body building food. Mountain gorillas of the Plateau regions of Nigeria and Cameroon subsists primarily on leaves and look at how big and strong they are (of course that's all they have access too in their habitats and they are much less active than the lowland gorillas of the south of these two African countries who eat mostly sweet fruits and a few leaves)
13. Maple Syrup:
Native to the First Americans, this food is a balanced form of positive and negative sugars. There are three grades of maple syrup A, B and C. My recommended grade is B. It contains sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper and silicon. Some uninformed operators of the sugaring of maple syrup do use formaldehyde pellets ran through polyethene tubing so ensure to use only organic maple syrup.
14. Mangoes:
As great as this fruit is, eat in moderation though and if you can organically grown and only in season. 4-5 should fill the average person up, but hey if they are too tempting it doesn't hurt to enjoy.
15. Melons:
As a rule Eat melons alone or leave alone. They are one of the fruits that leave the stomach almost as soon as they are ingested and thus should not be combined with other foods, if you must, wait 20 minutes or so and eat Celery or Lettuce. I'm of the firm belief that in the summer times when they peak, a human can subsist on them for days on end. Ensure to get them ripe and enjoy as you desire. I've tried a watermelon fast to very rewarding results.
16. Nectarines:
Like its close relative, peaches, these stone fruits are excellent in the summer times when they are available and a mono meal of them for a restricted diet can be a camouflaged fast.
17. Pears:
A viable winter fruit. It is a sub acid fruit like the apple and is of course loaded with vitamins and minerals. Ensure to eat this fruit only when fully ripe.

18. Pineapples:
Look for varieties ripened on the leaves. I've not (as of this writing at least) been to Hawaii to taste their crop but, I've had the pleasures of them in Nigeria, they are simply great. Being an acidic fruit, ensure to consume them in the earlier part of the day.
19. Plantains:
At times known as the potatoes of the air, the varieties grown in Ecuador or the tropical countries are great. They form the staple of many so-called third world countries and can be enjoyed alone or with some plain raw leaves of parsley, lettuce or celery.
20. Potatoes:
Some authors have attacked potatoes as being unsuitable for human consumption. Though not the best food, nothing could be further from the truth though. I've read and have been in tribes who subsist on root vegetables only; its cousin the sweet potato actually ranks high as an alkaline forming food. In my estimation, boiled and mashed with avocadoes and a dash of sea salt after eating some celery, they are a welcome balance to even excessive sweet fruits and are very nourishing as well. They are also easy to digest and are better than even some so-called raw recipes. They of course are available year round.
21. Tomatoes:
Like the potato, it is a member of the nightshade family but unlike it, the tomato is a fruit botanically. Blended with Young Coconuts or Avocadoes, they are excellent for dressing. They are an acidic fruit thus should be eaten in moderation due to their high content of oxalic acids, 2 -3 should suffice and even then every other day.
As a rule ensure that all of the above (save for maybe mangoes and avocadoes) are grown organically only.
Better health and a safe weight loss need not be things you have to pay an extreme amount of money for. You really don’t need any special recipes, worthless and hazardous substances when trying to lose weight. By simply consuming the divinely ordained foods listed above and of course living an active lifestyle, you will be well on your way to a healthy, effective and safe weight loss that your body will appreciate for years to come.
(3 John 1:2 NIV) Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.
Good Health is your birthright.

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