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The Ins And Outs Of Avril Lavigne's Relationships

Avril has intense, passionate loves and hates and is a jealously loyal and protective friend - or a fearsome foe. Avril Lavigne has a nasty habit of holding on to past hurts, resentments, and guilt - and to keep such feelings to herself. It is important for Avril Lavigne to learn to forgive and let go, as well as to express her feelings openly and directly, rather than hiding or repressing them. Secretive and inclined to brooding silences, it is difficult for others to really know her inner core, for Avril Lavigne trusts and opens herself to very few. Allowing herself to be vulnerable and to relinquish control in relationships is not easy for Lavigne.

Serious and emotionally reserved, Avril Lavigne was probably never an exuberant, playful child, and she rarely expresses herself in a spontaneous, childlike manner. She is cautious about letting others get close to her and sometimes withdraws from people altogether. At times, even when Avril Lavigne is with people, she feels lonely or isolated. Learning to appreciate her own company and to find satisfying solitary activities is essential to Avril's emotional well-being.

Her thinking and acting are strongly influenced by her feelings. Avril has great mental energy, is somewhat restless, curious and impatient, and at times she may need to slow down. Avril Lavigne loves debate and argument and also has good writing ability.

In love relationships, Avril Lavigne desires a deep, intense, passionate union with her beloved and forms very strong emotional bonds and attachments. Avril "marries" the person she loves at a very deep emotional level, and is often extremely possessive and jealous of any threat to that union. Lavigne can be very demanding with her love partner. Avril Lavigne tends to be somewhat suspicious of even platonic, friendly relationships her partner has. If she is ever betrayed, Avril Lavigne is capable of hating with as much force and intensity as she once loved. She is attracted to people who have an aura of mystery about them.

She has deep, compelling love feelings that seem irresistible and often irrational. Her love relationships are very passionate and intense, and Lavigne experiences both agony and ecstasy in love. Avril Lavigne is always changed in a deep, fundamental way by her love experiences, though this may come about through painful and difficult confrontations or separations. She is something of an emotional fanatic about things she cares about.

She is not content with superficial appearances and is always probing beneath the surface of things for hidden motives. Avril Lavigne has a great deal of emotional depth.

On the other hand, Lavigne is a very sociable, congenial person and she wilts very quickly without relationships with good friends and people to share good times with. Avril Lavigne thoroughly enjoys working with others on group projects or community activities. She is quite happy when she is a part of a club, support group, or team of some sort. She gets a lot of emotional fulfillment through her involvement in groups, clubs, organizations, community activities, or a network of close friends who support and care for her. Avril Lavigne makes friends her family, and she feels a close kinship with people who share some ideals or beliefs that she holds dear. Avril Lavigne needs close relationships with people outside of her physical family.

Avril Lavigne has a rich, colorful, dreamy imagination and a refined sense of beauty. Involvement in the arts, or with artistic, sensitive, or spiritually inclined people is very satisfying to her. In her friendships and romantic relationships, Lavigne tends to be unselfish, giving, and forgiving. Avril Lavigne might enjoy joining with others for charitable events or social service.