Jules hosting the “Wild On” series was an invaluable link to her current endeavors. She currently cohosts E! News Daily with Steve Kmetko, which she initially and ultimately wanted to do. Along with E! News Daily, she hosts her own show, “Revealed.” Will ANY of our link positions (or stepping stone) positions likely to be as exciting, glamorous or as famous as the E! “Wild On” show? Certainly not! But the point is that Jules was initially reluctant to host “Wild On.” How many positions have we turned down because we’ve been initially reluctant to take a job that we KNOW will lead to a career? As a former fast food manager, I KNEW that I was grossly underpaid, and the stress level for what little I was paid was robbery. I KNEW that I could always say that I had management experience whenever I did a resume or filled out an employment application.
How many of you have that feeling of “what’s the use?” when you were wishing that you could be doing something better? You CAN do something better! Yes. It DOES take an investment in time. There are so MANY companies that need talents YOU have to offer. Everyone has some talent that is valuable to an organization. There are many great websites that offer skills assessment testing. The tests are invaluable for that kind of determination that asks what kind of a career you are suited for. Too many of us settle because I have been one who has settled in the past. I am taking steps to attain my dream career. What you do with YOUR talent is up to you.