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Youch! Hair Removal Trends, Types And Costs

Unwanted hair removal is on the rise big-time. Studies indicate that about eighty percent of women and a surprising fifty percent of men have unwanted hair that they'd like to get rid of. Hair removal has been around for thousands of years and in each culture you'll find varying socially acceptable amounts and areas of body hair.
People desiring hair removal all want 3 things:
1. To get rid of their unwanted hair with less pain.
2. Remove the hair without spending an arm and a leg, pun intended, (:--).
3. Diminish hair regrowth.
Now there are several processes for hair removal and each comes with its advantages, side effects and associated costs as well.
For decades, electrolysis and shaving had been the normal practice for removing hair, with the downsides being very painful and time consuming. Recently, modern techniques such as laser hair removal have given the world a better way to remove unwanted hair.
Here are the methods available for hair removal:
Temporary: Tweezing, Shaving, Epilators (mechanical and electrical), Chemical Depilatories
Dwindling Amounts Of hair: Waxing and Sugaring (tends to reduce hair growth with time)
Permanent: Electrolysis (Hair Electrology), Laser Hair Removal
Depending on the specialist involved and the type of treatment you desire, the price fluctuates.
Here's a general costs guideline associated with the most popular types of hair removal:
1. Shaving: from $1-$25 for razors and supplies. Barbers or professional shaves are about $5-$30.
2. Waxing: now more popular than sugaring will run about $25-$75 for a home use kit and around $20-$200 for professional waxing in salons depending on how much of the body is to be done.
3. Laser: generally running several thousand dollars after repeated treatments and varied according to how much of the body is to be treated.
Overview and further information on the various types of hair removal: Shaving is and may always be the quickest and most painless form of short term or temporary hair removal.
Hair removal creams like Ultra Hair Removal, Emjoi Hair Removal System and Tend Skin are available in stores and can be ordered online. But be careful while buying the products on line and consult an expert to know which product is suitable for your skin type and location of hair removal. An excellent resource for looking into scams and products is a website called
Epilators are good if you have delicate skin. They are compact in size, portable and easy to use. Put bluntly an epilator pulls the hair out from the root and like any of the other methods has its advantages and disadvantages.
Waxing, although temporary is the other effective way for hair removal and can easily be done in the privacy of your own home. It does have many cautions though so if your not familiar with waxing make sure to consult with a dermatologist first. For best results with waxing let the hair grow out for 2-3 weeks.
General waxing tips and guidelines:
1. Wash skin to remove any lotion and natural skin oils.
2. Let your body dry completely.
3. Test over a small area first to ensure your skin doesn't have any adverse effects.
4. Do not over heat the wax or it may burn.
5. Pain reducing gels can be used to avoid the pain.
6. The wax should be applied in the direction of hair growth.
7. Pull the wax backward from the direction of hair growth rather than pulling upward or out.
8. Wipe the skin with a moist towel to remove excess wax.
9. Use a good sunscreen lotion to avoid exposure to direct sunlight after waxing.
Laser hair removal is another way to get rid of unwanted hair permanently. These lasers destroy the pigment of the hair follicle preventing it from regrowth. It can be used to remove hair from a small area of a person’s upper lip to full body back hair for men. Blisters or reddening of skin, dark spots and bumps on skin are to be expected after a laser removal treatment, but will heal quickly with almost no cause for concern. The major downside to laser is the associated costs. Repeated visits will be needed for complete coverage. Consult a laser hair removal salon in your area for further details.
For further information to hair removal consult a dermatologist in your area or stop in and visit one of the hair removal salons, I'm sure they'll be glad to give you more information considering your a potential client.

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