Traditionally, doctors have not been keen to offer supplements to their patients, but many are increasingly coming to see that products like Celadrin may be a suitable alternative for those people who for some reason cannot - or choose not to - have an operation.
A scientist who was trying to understand why he couldn’t induce arthritis into mice discovered Celadrin about a decade ago. It contains a blend of eight stable fatty acids that can easily penetrate cell membranes and by providing lubrication to the cell membranes and decreasing inflammation it supports joint health. In fact, research has shown that it definitely improves not only the range of motion in a joint affected by arthritis, but balance, strength and endurance were also improved.
Placebo-controlled studies in 2002 showed that the subjects were able to perform several day-to-day functions like climbing stairs and even simply walking that had been painfully difficult before. Some subjects were even able to return to jogging, an exercise that had been impossible for some time due to the pain and stiffness experienced from arthritis.
Knowledge can give you a real advantage. To make sure you're fully informed about Celadrin, keep reading.
University bio-chemist Dr. Daniel Gallaher PhD, prescribes Celadrin for many of his patients and has had no side-effects reported. The pills may need to be taken for at least two months before improvement is noticed, though in some cases this time is considerably shorter. Some patients have noted a dramatic improvement within a few days of applying the lotion.
Daniel Hoeffal MD, advises his patients to take the product scientifically. That is, no more than one supplement at a time and stick to the instructions on the bottle. If several supplements are taken at once, there is no way of determining which was the one responsible for giving relief.
Celadrin comes in pill form and topical lotion and is quite affordable compared to some other supplements, with the pills costing about $12.00 a bottle and the lotion half that. It is available as a stand-alone product, or combined with other products such as Glucosamine
Always consult your health care professional before taking supplements, as some can interfere with the absorption of other medications, while others may change how internal organs function, cause blood pressure or clotting
Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help you remember what's important about Celadrin.