Medication and Therapies for Lower Back Pain Treatment
The commonest Lower Back Pain Treatment in case of severe back pains is acetaminophen. It is an over-the-counter medicine for oral consumption. If the pain is very intense and chronic in nature, the doctor may prescribe additional oral medicines including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), muscle relaxants or opium-derived narcotic drugs (OPIOIDs).
Alternative therapies may also be used for Lower Back Pain Treatment, as they are quite effective. These therapies are recommended by physicians when medication does not provide the desired relief. These therapies include manipulation, traction, acupuncture, massage or biofeedback. Manipulation involves adjusting the spinal vertebrae for alignment, while acupuncture involves inserting of very fine needles into certain specific points in the body, which are believed to be located on the channels that carry subtle life-energy. If these methods do not provide with relief from pain, epidural steroid injections or anti-inflammatory medicines are directly introduced to the spine to control pain.
Lower Back Pain Treatment may also include surgical procedure. Problems related to alignment of the spine and other degenerative disc problems may require surgical treatment. Spinal fusion surgery is the standard surgical procedure for degenerative discs. The damaged disc is removed from the spine, and replaced by a device filled with bone pieces taken from the patient’s hipbone. Now, the hipbone option is replaced by a genetically engineered protein called infuse bone graft.
However, the best Lower Back Pain Treatment is regular exercise coupled with a healthy diet.