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Tips For A Hassle-free Summer

With summer already here, things can get a little bit hectic. As camping, swimming, vacations, and a whole list full of activities are upon us, here are some tips to help make your summer a little less frenzied and a little bit safer.
Keep a summer fun bag.
Keep a bag well stocked with all the summer essentials, such as sunscreen, bug repellant, a mini first aid kit, etc. Grab it whenever you are going on summer a outing, including the simple places, such as the pool or the park.
Protect your home while you’re on vacation.
Lock all windows and doors, and ask a trusted neighbor to check on your home when you’re away. If you’ll be gone for an extended period of time, it’s a good idea to set timers on interior lights to deter burglars, and take jewelry and valuable papers to a safe deposit box.
Keep pets safe.
If you keep your pets outside, provide plenty of water and shade for them at all times, and never leave animals in a parked car. Be sure your pet is on heartworm protection, as mosquitoes transmit heartworm. Resist the temptation to shave your pets’ fur. His coat will protect him from getting sunburned. In addition, his fur acts as a cooling insulation. Check pets for ticks often.
Beat summer traffic.
Hit the road before sunrise for longer trips, before everyone else.
Drink plenty of water.
Water is the ultimate defense against heat stroke and dehydration. Keep yourself and your family hydrated this summer. You should drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
Remember food safety.
Keep all foods in a cooler until you are ready to eat or cook them. Any food left out for more than an hour should be tossed. If you’re not sure about something, it’s better to throw it out. Be sure to wash hands often when handling food.
Summer is a time to celebrate fun and family, but it is also a time to be cautious and keep safety in mind. May you have a healthy summer, and always remember to make lasting memories.

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