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Smoking cessation by Nguang Nguek Fluek

If you can not get motivated enough to stop smoking, think about the benefits of smoking cessation. Blood pressure, body temperature and pulse return to normal after 20 minutes from your last cigarette; within 8 hours the oxygen levels in the blood increases to normal and the carbon monoxide levels drop to normal. Also within 2 days nerve endings start to regrow and within 3 mounts lung functions increases and circulation improves.
Make a list!
Smoking cessation is not so easy so you should get ready. First, list the benefits that quitting will bring you and post the list. Inform your friends who will be supportive and tell them who they can help. Make changes depending on smoking patterns and routine, clean your room or apartment of any tobacco products, plan regular exercises and treat yourself with the money you save.
Withdraw Symptoms
Smoking cessation causes withdraw symptoms such as tobacco craving which lasts 3 to 5 minutes, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating. Increased appetite is also common; you can gain 5 to 7 pounds, and dizziness and fatigue may occur as well. In the firs 3 4 days the symptoms are most intense, but the number drops to just 1 within 20 days.
Tips to make it easier
To make smoking cessation easier, keep some things in mind such as focus on smoking don’t try to quit everything all at once. It will be harder to be successful if you try to stop smoking, change your diet and stop drinking coffee at the same time.
Focus on the present, don’t try to anticipate more cravings, just take one urge at a time. Drink plenty of water, it will help you feel better and flush the nicotine out of your body. For 3 weeks don’t drink alcohol because if affects your judgment and without thinking about it you’re more likely to smoke.
Get plenty of sleep because it can keep up the motivation and you’ll feel better. Also, to relive the tension you can take warm showers.
Try again!
If you tried to quit and did not succeed, think again about the damaging health effects of smoking such as cold hands and feet, tooth an gum disease, cold, flu, asthma and bronchitis, decreased stamina and fatigue, skin wrinkling and aging, and do not forget about lung cancer and pulmonary disease.
Smoking cessation is hard but not impossible and there is no right method even if most of the smokers stop “on their own” without seeking assistance, but if you need help just look for it!