Gross Archive

Simplify Your Life With A Simple Jewelry Box

They say that a women’s dresser is always messy as compared to a man. Some time I feel how true this statement is? I am a working women who is always in a hurry to have the dinner when I return from my office. I don’t have the patience at that time to arrange my jewelry in my jewelry box. All of my jewelry is displayed on my dresser. I think it is because I have a small jewelry box. To be honest, my husband’s dresser top if very neat as compared to mine. I had purchased a jewelry box for him. He maintains all of his things along with the change in the container. He does not understand why mine is so messy. So he has bought me a jewelry box to help organize my items.
The new jewelry box is quite large. It stands upright and has glass doors that open out. There are several hooks on rotating discs to hang necklaces in this area. There are three drawers in the bottom section of the box. One is separated into small compartments to place bracelets and earrings. One of the drawers is plain inside to place longer necklaces such as strands of pearls. The third drawer has an area for rings and additional smaller compartments like the first drawer.
I was happy to get a new one. I started organizing the jewelry box and had it filled before I was half way done. I thought that I would be able to organize the jewelry so that I could get it all into the two boxes that I have. This way there would not be as many things on the top of the dresser. I shifted all of my costume jewelry in the other box. The scarves that were piled on the dresser top were folded and placed in a box that I stored in a dresser drawer. Now my dresser top looked very organized and it was very easy for me to locate the jewelry I wished to wear from the box. Initially I had all of my jewelry scattered all over by the end of the week and the box was close to being empty.
Now my life is simplifies by converting back to one main jewelry box that I can throw the items I wear most often in. by this at least my dresser will look neat and tidy even if my jewelry box looks messy . It will make my husband happier and at the same time will save my time and the stress I get each morning to search my piece of jewelry.

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