Obiaks Blog

Mexican Immigrants Flock To National Guard; Hope To Patrol Border

Mexican immigrants, upon hearing of President Bush’s intention to send the National Guard to patrol our borders with Mexico, flocked to Guard headquarters across the nation to sign up for duty.
While waiting in line, an applicant, Carlos Amigos, exclaimed, “The President has given us a truly wonderful opportunity to help our families and friends in Mexico. Now we have a much better chance of helping them get to America.”
The Guard, stretched thin by deployment in Iraq and its need to be at the ready to assist in case of a national emergency, was quick to accept the swarm of new recruits.
The head of the National Guard, fresh from testimony on Capital Hill, where he insisted that the Guard is not overextended, voiced reserve. “Just because we accept these eager beavers doesn’t mean we intend to deploy them along the Mexican border. We’ll make that determination on a case by case basis.”
Undaunted, another Mexican in line to sign up told us, “I know it’s not certain that I will get border duty, but even a small chance is better than none, amigo, because my family can’t afford to buy anymore forged papers.”