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Deciding Whether To Blog Or Not To Blog

Blogging has grown in the last few years, with more and more people doing it everyday. If you can write in a diary or journal you can blog, it really is that simple. When you make entries into your blog site, they are listed newest to oldest. There is also no limit on what you can blog about, from food to romance, or maybe even your chosen career you will find something to talk about.

So you have decided to blog. Now what? Well the first step is to set up an account on either a blogging site or a personal website. There are many free websites out there so do not let money be a factor in your decision, let coverage. You are going to write down a daily, weekly, or monthly account of what is happening and lets face it, you not only want people to read it, you need them too. Therefore, your first step is to type blog or blogging into your favorite Search Engine and see who pops up the most, and then second most, and so on and so forth. Once you have your say top five blogging sites, go to each one and check out what they offer compared to the other guys. Who is free maybe, or guarantees fresh content, possibly even helping you set up your blogging page.

Wait I said guarantees fresh content, why would you need a website to provide fresh content? It’s simple really you want to keep visitors coming to your website right; well fresh content is what does it. They make sure you do not have a repeat of what someone else has written, and they help keep all the current topics there on your blogging site.

So you have found your blogging site, it is all set up and ready for content, now what do you write about? Well I recommend first introducing your product. Take a couple of paragraphs explaining what it is all about. Next, take a moment to talk about you. Possibly where you are from, what made you start your business, even how you have experience in it.

Now that you have your first entry, take time each day, week, or month depending on your needs and update your site. By setting, this schedule and keeping to it you guarantee people to see what you are all about and at the same time showing your dedication to getting the job done. Remember life happens though and if for some reason your newest blog is late, do not stress over it. Make your first sentence about how you know it has been a while, make your apology and begin talking.

Writing is talking with your fingers on a piece a paper, website, or email, all you have to do is remember to keep the conversation going. On this point, I have another suggestion for your blogging site. Put a comment box in it. No there is no guarantee that someone will leave a posting but then again they just might and you can focus your next blog on answering them. Hey, why not tell your friends and family about your new blog they may even leave a comment for you to discuss.

Hope this helps you in your blogging career I know it has in mine.

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