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Communicating To Your Child Through Text

Today people are using their cell phones for much more than talking. In fact, the biggest craze that is sweeping the cell phone industry is text messages. Text messages are short messages that are sent either via cell phone or computer to a cell phone. Instead of answering the phone and talking, the person receiving the message can read it and type back a response. Teenagers and adult like text messages but teenagers especially seem to enjoy using text messaging to communicate with their friends. Many people find this a better way to communicate because it is not as disruptive as making a call and less time consuming. This is especially true when someone is at work or school and is already at a computer. It is very quick and easy to send a text message right from your computer to someone’s cell phone.
Text messages are also useful for when there are situations where you want to communicate but can not disrupt anyone in order to do so. Perhaps there is a meeting and you want to communicate with a colleague. You may not want to disrupt the speaker or presenter my leaning over and talking so a text message is the perfect way to communicate. The meeting is not disrupted and you can discuss whatever you need to or relay important information subtly.
The same theory is true for teenagers and today’s text message is similar to the passing notes of old. This, however, does disrupt the intended purpose of the classroom and is why cell phones are banned at many schools. If they are not banned outright, there are usually restrictions on their use and where and when they can be turned on. Teenagers who have cell phones need to understand basic cell phone etiquette and know when and where there is an appropriate time to use text messaging. During movies, though, text messaging among teenagers is a lot of fun. They can comment on the movie or the latest gossip without disrupting those around them who are tying to enjoy the movie.
Many of today’s top instant messaging services have incorporated the use of text messaging to a cell phone into their products. Just as people can use the keypad on their telephone to send messages, they can also use their instant messaging program to send from the computer to a cell phone. This can be very convenient for anyone. It allows a person to be mobile and still get their office and personal communication when they are on the go. Many office personnel use instant messaging to communicate in addition to email. If there is a need for a quick answer or if there is an urgent situation, colleagues can reach one another instantly regardless of where the other person is and if they are able to speak on the phone or not.
Many wireless plans allow a certain amount of text messaging each month similarly to the amount of minutes that are allotted. Some plans also charge on a per text message fee. With the growing popularity of text messages it is important to understand how your text messages are charged so you do not accrue a large bill at the end of the month. Compare plans and determine what your text messaging usage will be before deciding on one. For parents of teenagers with cell phones a pre paid plan may be ideal so if they go over their allotted text messages, they will not incur additional charges aside from the monthly budget
Text messaging is a convenient and fun way to communicate. You can text message from cell phone to cell phone or you can even message from a computer to a cell phone and back. The convenience that it affords allows people to communicate in just about any venue at any time. There are various prices and billing methods for text messages so you should check with your plan to be sure you have something suitable for your needs. Using your cell phone to communicate via text messaging is a great way to keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. It allows people more freedom to do what they want but still be available to others if they are needed. This is an ideal way for people to communicate during times when talking on the phone is not appropriate and you need to be more subtle.