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Two Ways to Get Online Pharmacy Prescription

Most reputable online pharmacies require patients to submit a prescription before allowing the purchase of prescription medication. While the supposed convenience of getting prescription drugs without a valid Rx is an attractive offer, consumers are reminded that it is an illegal practice. Below are two ways to get an online pharmacy prescription that is legal, safe, and convenient:
Traditional Prescription
As its name implies, this kind of prescription follows a conventional practice. You have to visit and consult with a physician in person to get this kind of prescription. While this is not strictly an “online” practice, the American Medical Association encourages the use of traditional prescription when buying medications from an online pharmacy. Most reputable online pharmacies also allow customers to send in their traditional prescriptions by electronic mail, fax, or through their doctors.
* Accurate diagnosis of patient's condition
Your doctor will be able to examine your medical records, ask you questions, and generally check your symptoms before prescribing any medication.
* Lesser chances of mistake in prescription
The prescribed medicine is more likely to help in alleviating the problem since a doctor has personally analyzed and evaluated your symptoms along with your medical history.
* Convenience in transferring prescriptions
Most doctors offer the option of forwarding prescriptions to the online pharmacy of your choice. Some online pharmacies, when permitted by costumers, will even contact their respective doctors for prescriptions.
* More time-consuming
A consultation and an examination with a doctor can take at least an hour. Since most doctor appointments have to be scheduled in advance, clients often have to squeeze in available times in their daily schedule.
* Uncomfortable setting
Consultations are often done in a clinic or hospital which can make the situation uncomfortable or unbearable for some people who have an aversion for interviews and clinical settings.
Remote Consultation
Another way of getting prescriptions for online pharmacies is through remote consultation. Most online pharmacies offer online consultation services wherein a patient will be required to fill up an online medical record. This self-reported medical history will be sent back to the site and evaluated by licensed medical practitioners who are affiliated with the online pharmacy. Some telemedicine websites offer consultation services via web cam communications between the patient and a licensed doctor.
* More convenience
Patients' conditions can be diagnosed in the comfort of their own homes. Prescriptions can also be given and directly forwarded to the online pharmacy's pharmacists for dispensing.
* Comfortable setting
People who have an aversion to clinical settings and personal interviews can fill up their medical history at their own time without having to deal with an unfamiliar environment or answer questions from a doctor.
* Less accuracy in diagnosis
Since affiliate doctors of online pharmacies only have to rely on self-reported medical questionnaires filled up by patients, inaccuracies can occur which can lead to mistakes in diagnosis.
* More chances of wrong prescriptions
Mistaken diagnosis can lead doctors to prescribe the wrong medicines for the patient's true condition. Taking wrongly prescribed medicines can worsen a patient's condition and have adverse side effects.