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Are You Getting Enough Vitamin B?

Vitamins are chemical compounds the body cannot make itself and that must therefore be supplied. Besides fat, carbohydrates, proteins (amino acids), minerals and trace elements, we must ingest these with our foods or with supplements.

Vitamin B complex comprises a number of vitamins that exist as a family. They should not be taken individually. In this modern era, millions of people suffer from a deficiency of vitamin B for several reasons, chief among which are: stress, processed foods in the diet, toxins, refined sugar, drugs, cooking, malnutrition.

Deficiency of vitamin B leads to anemia and neurological disorders; deficiency in children can cause profound damage, much of which is reversible.
A normal level of serum vitamin B does not guarantee adequacy, methylmalonic acid concentrations (either serum or urine) are a much more reliable metabolic measure of vitamin B metabolism. People following a pure vegetarian (vegan) diet are at high risk (>50%) for metabolicvitamin B deficiency.

Vitamin B is found in all animal products (liver, muscle flesh, eggs, and dairy products are sources, in order from richest to poorest sources).
Plant foods contain little if any active vitamin B; produce grown in soil fertilized with cow dung may contain more B than commercially grown produce.Other good B vitamin sources are: baked potato, banana, spinach, soybeans, wheat germ, cantaloupe, tuna in water, navy beans, bok choy, avocado, sunflower seeds, chicken breast, turnip greens etc.
Probiotic supplements are not a sufficient source of vitamin B; some products work better than others. A deficiency of vitamins B can increase your risk of heart disease. They help keep a substance called homocysteine in check by breaking it down. If the homocysteine levels go too high, your blood may clot easier which increases the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.

There are many ways to getting enough B vitamins: eat a variety of fresh fruits and veggies, choose dark green leafy types, not pale green ones, eat whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole grain cereals, oatmeal and barley instead of those with refined white flour, eat beans (or split peas) every day.