Here are top five tips to making a diaper cake.
· Fill your cakes with items you know the mother will be using. Diapers and blankets we all know, but items like baby lotions, powder, hand sanitizer, nail clippers, bottom balm, or Vaseline. You may also include a bottlebrush, baby bottle, scratch mittens and so on.
· Choose quality products when you can. I use Luvs diapers as they are bigger and make your cake more stable. Blanket size does matter. Keep that in mind when deciding on the size of your cake. For example, 7, 8, 10, or 12 29x29 will give you an 8” cake and 30 x 40 will give you an 12“ cake, a burp cloth will give you an 7” (they have really cute and colorful burp clothes out now) for a 10” this size is in between so you can use a 30 x 40 and just bring in one end a little more to make it a 10”.
· Make sure you wrap cake as this will deter others form touching or moving items around. Use cellophane wrap or cellophane bags, or tulle. Use lots of curly ribbon makes your cakes look so pretty.
· Have fun and create your own style everyone has their own. Themed cakes are very popular (Disney). Also if the sex of baby is unknown don't fear...mix it up a bit go with neutral colors. If you know the babies room color that is even better.
· If your choosing this as a business-congrats. Making diaper cakes for a living is so much fun and very rewarding. A few starter tips are: Have professional pictures taken of your cakes. Use these as a portfolio and put them in a book for show and tell. Have business cards made up and brochures. Set your pricing. Tell everyone about your cakes. It is the best time start as many people in your city have more then likely not even heard of a diaper cake.
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