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Propecia Keeps You Away From Losing Your Hair

Just imagine your head without a single strand of hair. Embarrassing right! But it’s true; anybody can confront this problem during any time of their life cycle. Hairs are an integral part of our personality and enhance it a lot. At times people with less hair or without hair do create inferiority complexes within themselves. This is general and no body can deny the fact. But it is found that majority of us experiment with this problem by undergoing various medications or therapy without any proper knowledge and the outcome is fatal.
Every body has some amount of hair loss everyday. However for some it becomes excessive. But there are treatments for hair loss through proper medications. You may not get as much hair you are expecting but medications will surely slow down your hair loss and help to regrow hair. After a vigorous research on the causes of various reasons behind male pattern hair loss, dermatologists across the world now suggest Propecia as an effective remedy for hair loss. Based on various result oriented clinical trials dermatologist confirmed results within 3-12 months after using Propecia. It is the lone FDA approved pill for treatment of male pattern hair loss.
The effectiveness of Propecia was demonstrated in men aged 18-41 with mild to moderate hair loss for more than 12 months. Within duration of three months the benefits of Propecia was noteworthy but was concluded that if Propecia doesn’t work for you within 12 months, further treatment is of no use and is better to discontinue.
Propecia works from the day 1 of its use. It lowers the amount of DHT in our scalp. DHT is a substance in the body which on increasing shrinks the hair follicles until it no longer produces hair. The main constituent Finasteride is a very active element that lowers down the amount of DHT.
As a drug it does have some side effects and it’s customary. Finasteride may give some allergic side affects but these side affects are tolerable as well as reversible. Propecia is available by prescription only, so it is wise to consult a doctor before its usage.

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