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Florida workers compensation and information on Workers Compensation

You have a permanent impairment which has resulted in a work-related physical restriction which may affect your ability to perform the duties of your usual occupation or other appropriate employment. If this physical restriction causes you to lose wages, you may be entitled to additional benefit payments under the Florida Workers Compensation Law.
Within 5 working days of its first knowledge of the date of temporary partial disability, the claims handling entity shall mail to the employee an informational letter, which explains the employee’s eligibility for temporary partial wage loss benefits,
You may be ineligible for wage loss benefits during that period. In addition, to be eligible for wage loss benefits, you must demonstrate that you have made a valid effort to obtain suitable gainful employment and that your loss of wages is due to your work-related physical restriction and NOT due to economic conditions, the unavailability of jobs, your unemployment due to misconduct or your failure to accept employment within your capabilities. To show that you have made a genuine effort to obtain employment, list the dates, names, addresses, type of work, person contacted and the telephone number of the places of employment that you have contacted.
Florida Workers’ Compensation Law allows us to evaluate your efforts to obtain gainful employment beginning with the 13th week after you have reached maximum medical improvement.