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Looking After Your Dog, Part Twelve - Training Basics

Dogs have inherent wild characteristics, often being aggressive and barking unnecessarily. Some dog owners are frustrated with the situation and frequently smack their dog or banish it to the backyard. However, treating pets in such a way conjures an image of terror in their minds, and they start fearing their owner. All this can be avoided in the first place through proper dog training.
Dog training refers to training your dog to be obedient, adhering to all your commands in a jovial manner. A dog is a man’s faithful companion – that saying can only be true with proper dog training.
Dog training can be accomplished at your residence, in dog training classes, or with the aid of a private trainer. It’s a slow and steady process and expecting instant results is akin to being unrealistic. Dog training requires a collar, leash, an awful lot of patience, and a tender attitude towards your dog. Training needs to be a fun-filled, exhilarating experience for your dog. You should mingle training exercises with intermittent treats and praises when your dog behaves in the desired way. This way you could easily train your dog for the common commands, such as sit, stay and come.
A crucial aspect of dog training is to instill good eating habits. Fix up a few time slots in the day when you would feed your dog. This way it won’t have to beg at the dining table or meander around for leftovers. Your dog should be trained not to pull the leash while on a casual stroll. A simple yank of the leash followed by a proper voice command is enough to accomplish the same. The dog should also be trained to stand still, since this allows an easy examination by a veterinarian and a trouble-free grooming session with a dog groomer.
You might face a few problems while training your dog. The ease of dog training depends largely on the nature of the dog, which varies from one of docility to one of obstinacy. While some dogs respond to tenderness and coaxing, others may not even heed to a firm command. Some are quick learners while others grasp things quite slowly. If you are faced with a hapless situation training your dog, you may consult a professional dog trainer. However, it is recommended that you carry out a preliminary research prior to choosing a particular trainer for your dog.