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Looking After Your Dog, Part Eight - Dog Gifts

If you absolutely adore your dog then purchasing a dog gift can be an exhilarating experience for you. No matter what your budget constraints there are an awful lot of dog gifts to choose from. In fact, the sheer variety of gift ideas can often be inundating. Since there is no dearth of dog gifts, you must narrow down to that perfect dog gift, which also meets your budget.
Dog owners, when buying a dog gift, think in terms of buying something (may be a stuffed toy) for a human baby. However, the two ideologies are better not to be intermingled. Dogs cannot comprehend cuteness, and would appreciate receiving a gift, which is fun to play with rather than being overly cute. Hence, ensure that the gift is fun for the pet, practical, durable and safe.
An important consideration while buying a dog gift is size. Dog toys must be small enough for the dog to carry them or chew them. But, they must not be as diminutive so as to inadvertently get stuck in the dog’s throat. For the very same reason, durability is also a major concern. You don’t want a cheap soft toy that breaks apart due to vigorous chewing. However, your choice of a toy depends much on the dog type. A docile dog may be well-contented with a soft toy, while an aggressive one may need a more durable and hard toy for chewing.
The Christmas season always promises to be a big spending spree when scads of pet owners splurge on toys, treats, and other accessories for their pets.
You will be surprised to know that even dog gifts have got a technological boost of late. A new pet product, PetCell, which was launched recently, is a bone-shaped, scratch-resistant and waterproof cell for your pet. Inundating! Isn’t it? It is designed for workaholics to stay in touch with stay-at-home pets. Moreover, it enables easy retrieval of a lost dog, since a concerned citizen will be able to callback the owner. This phone by Petsmobility incurs around $300 with a monthly calling plan of around $15 – a rather luxurious gift for your adorable dog.
Another popular dog gift would be a nice jewelry item for your dog. Your dog could flaunt different colored strands of pearls worn as necklaces, anklets and collar charms. These glittering items are the latest canine fashion statement. They can cost you anywhere between $50 and $100. Apart from the extravaganza, an essentially useful dog gift could be a pet carrier or crate. Dog crates are trendy and practical for dog lovers that are always on the move.
If you truly adore your dog and are not anxious about the expense, you could buy the dog its own dining table and dinnerware.
No matter how much you spend on a dog gift, the crucial thing is to remember your pet during the festive season and to assure it that you love it with all your heart.