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What Makes Popular TV Shows So Watchable?

Millions of people around the world got hooked on a television series a few years ago. They watched as a plane crashed on a seemingly deserted island and the survivors struggled to continue their lives as hope of rescue started to dwindle.
Some time later millions more people got caught up in the story of a diverse group of people who woke one day to find they had special powers. As their paths started to cross, so they realized they were being brought together for a reason.
The popular TV shows Lost and Heroes have captured the imaginations of millions of people. But what is it exactly that makes these popular tv shows so irresistible? Read on to find out more.
Suspending Disbelief
All the popular tv shows that have ever been made have one thing in common. They enable us to leave the reality of our everyday lives and join a world which is larger than life, and irresistible to enter once a week.
Lost has enjoyed three seasons so far, and is set to run for several more. At the beginning no one could see how it could possibly run for more than one season, but as the story has unfolded and the island has presented more questions than answers, it’s easy to see why the show stays so fresh.
It didn’t seem possible that any series could eclipse the success of Lost, but it seems that Heroes has done just that. Heroes talks about normal people having extraordinary beliefs and this seem to intrigue most people. These two popular tv shows have shown that in our modern world of internet access and console games, popular tv shows still have the power to glue us to that box in the corner of the room.
It’s still early days for Heroes and it will be interesting to see how the second season develops, but on the evidence of the first one (and on the cliff hanger ending) you can be sure the second season will be eagerly awaited, especially when new characters with new super powers are unveiled. The audience is just eager to find out more.
Well Rounded Characters
The key factor in many popular tv shows is the casting. Both Lost and Heroes have large ensemble casts, which makes it highly likely that every viewer will be able to identify with one or more of the characters.
The larger casts also serve to keep these two shows fresh, as new characters can be added and old ones can leave without unduly upsetting the balance of the show. Rarely does every character appear in every episode. Most of the time, characters only appear once every two episodes.
Popular tv shows can dominate our lives if we let them. Lost and Heroes have certainly both made a huge impact in a television world filled with reality programming.
In the final analysis, maybe we all prefer to be swept away into a larger than life drama, instead of watching real life dramas that mirror our own lives.