Obiaks Blog

Simple Tips For Hair Restoration

One of the biggest annoyances in life is hair loss. As a physician, I encounter people every day that are experiencing different levels of hair loss. Some have just started to notice that their hair is thinning while others barely have any hair left at all. I don't want to minimize the seriousness of many people's condition or of the process of hair restoration. In this space, however, I'll simply share a few tips that will help most people (not all people) dealing with hair loss in the process of hair restoration.
One of the first things I look at closely with a patient dealing with hair loss is their fitness and diet habits. While this might seem disconnected to hair loss or hair restoration, it is not. In fact, take a moment to think about it. Everything you eat and drink goes directly into your body and is the fuel that keeps your body working properly. So there is a good chance that poor eating or fitness habits will spill over into various areas of your life and have negative affects. So I look for areas where a patient needs to improve the things they are putting into their body and the things they are doing with their body. I will rarely prescribe medication before I see what kind of difference health and fitness changes will make.
Another key thing I look for in patients desiring help with hair restoration is stress levels. I put them through a variety of stress tests to see how their current situation is affecting them. Stress that is not managed properly is one of the biggest factors that will promote hair loss and make hair restoration more difficult. I will work with a patient in figuring out the best methods for stress management long before I will have them pop a pill for hair restoration.
Besides nutrition, fitness and stress, I start with simple things like getting my patients to add dietary supplements of key vitamins and minerals to their daily diets. I also look to help hem be aware of what kinds of hair products and treatments are available to help aid in hair restoration.
So if you are noticing signs of hair loss, make an appointment to see your physician today. Ask about ways that you can help the process of hair restoration. Be willing to see where your lifestyle might need to change in the process. Hair loss doesn't have to happen, and hair restoration really can happen.