So, what can you do about it? How can you, with your sensitive skin, get the same anti-aging effects that other women are getting?
Rather than applying expensive anti-aging products on your skin, you can eat them. Now, of course, I don’t mean for you to eat your expensive night cream or any other store-bought skin products, but you can eat the effective ingredients in them. Since your skin is your largest organ, the benefits of eating the ingredients will be similar to applying them directly to your skin.
Here are some ingredients you can start with.
Green tea: There are plenty of skin care product now that contain green tea. You’ll hear about green tea everywhere and it’s now in many brands of skin care. However, if you have sensitive skin and can’t use those products, then you can drink green tea and have the same effects on your skin. Plus, the bonus is that you’ll be benefitting every other part of your body as well. Some of the other benefits of green tea are weight loss, lower cholesterol, and possibly a lower risk of cancer.
Cucumbers: An increase in fruits and vegetables in your diet can have a positive effect on the overall appearance of your skin. Increase your vegetable intake and your skin will thank you. The side effects of this option? Well, you may lose some weight and feel more energy, but that's not such a bad thing, is it?
Vitamin C: Take a supplement or increase your intake of oranges and other fruits. The anti-oxidants in them are wonderful for your skin.
Remember, your skin is your largest organ. Take care of it by feeding it well, whether you’re putting products on it, or feeding your body with nutritious foods. And, for those of us with sensitive skin, we’ll be saving a fortune, avoiding those expensive jars of cream and instead heading straight for the grocery store produce aisles.