1) Do they have a bulk discount? If you are buying for a large group of people, you don't want to ignore the bulk discount. Buying more than one of anything can save you some dollars. Italian charms are no different.
2) Do they offer different styles? This might be good or bad. If a merchant sells one type of Italian charm, you might be entitled to a good discount due to the volume. However, you might not like the style offered. Look for big dealers to find good deals.
3) Are the Italian charms they offer new or used? Used anything can be a good deal. Italian charms are no different. If you are buying used, make sure you are getting quality merchandise.
4) Can these Italian charms be resold? A good resale value is always welcome, no matter what you are buying.
5) Is there a warranty? You might be able to get a warranty on your Italian charm. Look into this.
Finally, just because a site appears at the top of the search engines, it doesn't mean that that particular site is the #1 site for that product or industry. I have a friend who maintains what I think is the world's best website for his niche (baby showers), but his site isn't even listed in Google. In fact, most of his visitors come from people who refer his business to their friends. Finding the right Italian charm vendor is no different than this. Take a firm look at other ways of finding the Italian charm site of your dreams. You won't be disappointed.