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Three Keys To Amassing Wealth On An Abrahamic Scale

There are three simple verses in Proverbs which go “against the grain” as far as this worlds economic system is concerned. We must heed these three simple verses and act on them if we want to amass wealth on an Abrahamic scale.
Prov 11:24-26
24There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.
25The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.
26He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it. (KJV)
The above Scriptures show the activities of the man whom God prospers. In other words, there are some things we must do to come into Abrahamic prosperity.
First, we must learn to scatter. This means we must give away (to God and to others) a portion of what we possess and earn. This will cause us to increase.
Second, we must not withhold more than we should according to God’s laws of increase. This is the opposite of what we have been taught all our life. This is what makes sense to our human mind, i.e., “we must save, save, save” in order to get ahead.
But notice God’s way. He said this “tends to poverty!” For these who fail to give as they should, even the people around them curse them.
Third, God promises two things to the liberal soul who scatters and waters according to His Abrahamic law of Increase. (1) He promises to make him fat. (2) He promises to give him ample water.
These two things mean that God assumes responsibility for the accumulation of wealth for those who follow His simple prescription above. In other words, follow these three rules and you do not have to worry about wealth again. God will see to it. He promised.
There is another thing in the above Scriptures. When we scatter to the needy, God causes blessing to come to those who release the corn they need. Blessing always includes healing, prosperity, family well being as well as salvation for the Abrahamic Seed Group.
Consequently, a saved person that distributes "corn" to the needy, can expect to possess healing, prosperity, and well being for his family in addition to his salvation.
You see, "bless" translates a Hebrew word that means "the beneficial endowment of God's power to produce well-being in every area of a person's life." In the Abrahamic covenant, this word "bless" contains healing, prosperity, family well being in addition to salvation.
Do you need a financial blessing? Do you need healing? Do you need family wellness? Distribute your corn to the poor. This doesn't make sense according to the world's economic system. Nevertheless, it is the miracle working power of God according to heaven's economic system.
Scatter! Be liberal! Distribute the corn! These three things unlock heaven's prosperity laws. They also contain healing, and family well being as well as prosperity.

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