Certain foods such as garlic and onions produce bad breath. This is not a serious condition and will resolve itself in little time. Also, smoking can produce bad breath. Smoking can contribute to more serious dental and gum issues but the odor associated with smoking is unavoidable. It is, of course, recommended that smokers quit but short of that, there is little prevention for smoker’s breath. For a temporary fix, brush your teeth, chew gum or use a mint.
People with sinus conditions produce mucus that can be foul smelling. As a treatment for the sinus condition, a patient may be prescribed antihistamines which can cause dry mouth. If the mouth does not produce enough saliva to remain moist, this will cause bad breath. This is also why people have morning breath after sleeping for several hours allowing the mouth to dry out. Brushing and drinking plenty of water will help alleviate this.
There are several natural remedies found to help counteract the effects of bad breath. Chewing cardamom seeds, sunflower seeds, mint leaves and parsley are known to deodorize. Gargling with a mixture of lemon juice and water also helps. Brushing with baking soda and adding it to water for gargling is a popular choice in home remedies. Drinking teas with spices such as cardamom, anise, cinnamon and fennel are all reported to help sweeten breath.
The best way to treat bad breath is to ensure proper dental care. Brushing and flossing regularly will help deter bacteria from forming on teeth and tongue. As food particles can get trapped between teeth, flossing is essential to ensure plaque does not accumulate. Regular trips to the dentist for professional cleaning are also advised. When brushing, ensure a good toothbrush is used and do not neglect the tongue. Bacteria can get trapped on the tongue as well so thoroughly brush it.
If bad breath is a persistent condition, seek consultation with a dentist. It may be a sign of a more serious dental issue or gum disease. If a dentist rules out dental problems as a cause, a referral to a medical doctor may be in order. Certain conditions such as liver and kidney diseases can contribute to bad breath.
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