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Nutritional Cleansing vs. Fad Diets

The United States is in a true health crisis. We are sicker and more overweight than ever before and these issues cannot be ignored. The United States is the epicenter of an obesity pandemic and as more countries adapt to a Western Lifestyle, rates of obesity and associated health problems will continue rising steadily in both adults and children.
According to the Journal of American Medical Association, obesity, poor physical activity and resultant associated illness are overtaking tobacco as the leading cause of preventable death in this country.
In 2000, obesity and inactivity caused 400,000 deaths, ore than 16. Obesity cost America $117 billion in 2000 according to the surgeon general. Now more than ever people are looking to address this battle of the bulge and many of us will look toward a fad diet to help with these excess pounds.
FAD DIETS: A Yo-Yo Effect On Your Body
Fad diets are not the answer for long-term health or weight management. Many serious issues surround these quick-fix plans that do not address internal health or nutritional rejuvenation. Many health experts believe that fad dieting places stress on your body and that the repeated stress of losing and gaining weight may be just as bad for long-term health as being overweight.
Fad Diets Vs Nutritional Cleansing
Fad Diets:
- Often nutrient deficient
- Quick Fix
- Yo-Yo effect
- Continued cravings
- Nutritionally restrictive
- Focuses on weight loss
- Does not enforce good eating habits
- Stresses the body
Nutritional Cleansing:
- Gives the body MORE nutrient-rich protein, carbs essential fats and minerals
- Long-term lifestyle approach to internal health
- Weight management stability
- Balances brain chemistry to decrease cravings
- Floods the body with high-grade nutrients
- Focuses on quality of life and longevity
- Enforces great long-term nutritional habits
- Fuels the body
Instead of simply targeting weight loss, one should focus on achieving overall internal health, which is all about balancing and fueling the body.
Wellness involves a change in lifestyle. True, long-term weight management is feasible if you practice fueling the body with the right nutrients, staying hydrated, engage in daily physical activities and help the body cleanse accumulated impurities.
The body needs internal balance and nutrient fuel to maintain normal blood glucose levels and the brain requires high-grade nutrients for sustained mental work.
Cleansing and refueling the body is what I call the "anti-fad diet" approach to health and weight management. Cleansing the body at an internal level is a hot topic, and for good reason. It makes perfect sense. We live in a very toxic world and unless you live in a bubble, your body is continually suffering the detrimental effects of these dangerous, often deadly poisons.
Why cleanse, you ask?
Think about these issues:
- Our world is full of herbicides, petrochemicals, hydrocarbons, heavy metals, food additives and synthetic drugs. These overabundant toxins can have an adverse effect on our cells, internal organs and, ultimately, our state of health
- Animals raised for consumption in factory farms are often injected with large amounts of hormones, steroids and antibiotics. Over 20 million pounds of antibiotics were injected into our farm animals last year alone
- There are so many insecticides and pesticides on our fruits and vegetables that these noxious chemicals seem to have become part of our food chain. Adults and, sadly, even our children are chronically exposed to these substances. Everything we eat or drink has a direct effect on our health. The typical American diet is destroying our digestive systems and leading to other chronis problems in the body
The Proper Balance Is The Key
A well-rounded nutritional program should provide balance and complete nourishment for our cells and vital organs. A balanced program should include amino acids to increase energy, support the immune system and help mental focus. Meal replacement protein shakes should contain a balance of protein, essential fats and carbohydrates to enhance metabolism and assist with weight management. Herbs and a complete range of vitamins can be used to help the body cleanse and strengthen internally. Trace ionic minerals are also important to fuel our cells and aid the digestive tract in optimum absorption of nutrients.
Many options are available when introducing your body to a well-rounded, safe nutritional program. The program should address cleansing and nourishing the body, not starving it. Exercising, eating well and hydration are also key components of any health-oriented program. Research your options and choose a program that is best for you.
Personal fitness trainers and nutritionists are excellent sources of information about the importance of nutritional cleansing and many highly recommend the use of the Isagenix system.