Obiaks Blog

Simple Tips For Submitting Your Blog To RSS & Blog Directories

There’s a hidden advantage to blogging of which you may note be aware: it’s far simpler to submit a blog to both blog directories and RSS feeds than it is to submit a website to website directories. Why?

Because the web directories have free features which let you submit your blog’s fresh content without having to fill in any forms. This system, which works for RDD feeds as well, is called “pinging” and is available from sites like and

All you need do is ping your blog and an updated version of to will be sent to each of the major blog directories, which now number around forty. Think of it: just type in your blog’s url and title, hit submit, and your updated blog will be available on over forty directories!

You should, in order to maximize you blog’s chance of generating traffic from the directories and RSS feeds, put a lot of thought into your choice of a blog title. It should contain your most targeted keyword, because you want that included in the backlinks you get when you submit the blog to the directories and feeds.

When you submit your blog to the directories and RSS feeds, you will also benefit by having it placed on the first page of a number of them. This placement may result in a momentary surge in your blog’s traffic from people who want to see what blog content has been updated most recently.

After you have submitted your updated blog to the RSS feeds and blog directories which offer the ping feature, you can then submit it the old fashioned way to the directories and RSS feeds which do not offer it.

You’ll find a reasonably comprehensive list of them at

You can strategize your blog submissions to these directories most effectively by submitting first to those directories which offer enticements like first page positioning, or which have higher PR, which will be reflected in your blog’s PR.

Most of the RSS directories cannot accept submissions via ping, so you’ll have to rely on manual submissions to get you in to the majority of them.