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Models, Music Artist, Photographers And Entertainers Internet Marketing

Models, Music Artist, Photographers and Entertainers
I am hoping you are creating online visibility strategies to help you increase your presence, gain a fan base, get work and eventually turn all these into revenue.
Back in the day it was very difficult to market people unless you had a big marketing budget. But now with the Internet you can market yourself to create revenue before you become a famous model, actress, musician, hip hop star, personality or fashion photographer
Many of you know me as Trent Partridge (Radar my basketball name) the photographer. But I have a dark side (Darth Vader) Trent the Internet Marketing Consultant. One tough task I have is getting words ranked in the top 20 in Google, Yahoo and MSN. Search Engine Optimization takes a lot of work because search engines are always changing their algorithms. But I do have over 5000 words ranked in the top 20 in the search engines. I also have had over a million screensavers downloaded(viral marketing) and handle $50,000 plus a month in pay per click advertising. Pay Per Clicks are the advertisement in text on the right side of the search engines. I am also completing a book called Internet Marketing for Models, Music Artist, Photographers and Entertainers.
I create long term Internet Marketing Solutions for companies and individuals.
I do get mad at my entertainment buddies who do not try to work their own website, MySpace or Yahoo Group. These 3 different type of website can create great opportunities.
First you have to recognize that you must gain a fan base. Do not have users come by your website and not try to grasp their email address in some capacity. Offer a newsletter, free exclusive pictures, screensavers, wallpapers, ringtones, memberships or an autographed picture giveaway.
Go to Walgreen’s or CVS and print a few pictures for under 30 cents. Then have a free autographed picture giveaway. For under 75 cents(mail) you can gain fans that can be worth way more than that in the long run. Big companies like Dell, Wal-Mart and Amazon use a cost per customer acquisition formula to figure the cost to gain a customer. We know that if you mail 3 autographed pictures to fans(future customers) at 75 cents you have the ability to have an incredible low low low customer acquisition cost.
Remember this formula Fan = Customer = Revenue. While the castings, touring and gigs are not happening and you are at home chillin jump on the net and get fans.
If you are model, music artist, photographer right now and are not planning to sell a calendar DVD, t-shirts, hats, autographed pictures, CDs, a CD of Pictures, ringtones etc.. then you need to rethink your strategy. These are very basic ways to earn income. I am not saying it will cover your mortgage, car payment and health Insurance, but any money helps even the richest man would say that.
I often trade services with entertainers to help them and myself create better product or content to sell.
Please use the Internet as a tool to gain customers. Do not put a website up and think that casting agents, A&Rs, directors and your friends come to it alone. Users love to see people who are talented and enjoy viewing beautiful models. Pictures. So take advantage of the looks or talent that your were born with to generate money.
Feel free to contact me at anytime. I am the man when it comes to marketing. I have bought to many programs and tested every theory, postulate and hypothesis in the online marketing field. Once my book is published Internet Marketing for Models, Music Artist, Photographers and Entertainers, the world will know who is one of the top Internet Marketers in the industry.
Always contact me if you want to create a synergistic relationship. I am always working with models and artist to help move their careers and mine. If you don't mind next time I will tell you how to get your own name ranked in the search engines and a few link strategies
Trent Partridge

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