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Man Of La Mancha Tickets - See A Theater Classic Return

Man of La Mancha tickets are back on the market, and this theater production has a long history of success in several story-telling forms. The story itself has been told for more than 400 years, and the characters and themes have not only been retold, but also borrowed for other stories hundreds of times for plays, movies, television shows and even other novels. A look at the story and the play will explain why Man of La Mancha is a production that must be seen.
History of the Story
Man of La Mancha is based on the 17th Century novel entitled Don Quixote, written by Spanish novelist Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. The first “edition” of the work was originally published in 1605 and the “completion” of the story was released ten years later in 1615. Don Quixote was one of the first modern European novels ever published on a massive scale and remains one of the most influential literary works of all time. The story is also the complete embodiment of Spanish literature. Many bodies of experts have called the novel the world’s greatest-ever work of fiction.
About the Play
The play is a direct take-off of the novel, and it features the story’s “hero,” Don Quixote. Quixote is actually an alter-ego, as the “real” character is Miguel de Cervantes, a failed actor/writer/tax collector who has been thrown in prison as a result of the Spanish Inquisition. Cervantes decides to live his life along the lines of the many stories he has read about errant knights who fight injustices but struggle to overcome their own mistakes.
Quixote sets off on several battles, the first with a windmill. Quixote sees the windmill as a four-armed giant that must be tamed. However, he “loses” his battle with the windmill and is badly beaten in the process. Quixote decides that he has lost this battle because he has not been properly knighted, so he sets off to officially become a knight with his squire, Sancho Panza.
Man of La Mancha tickets take you on Don Quixote’s journey to knighthood, and several impossible battles ensue. If you’re one of the few that hasn’t seen this timeless story, we’re not going to ruin the plot for you. Rest assured, however, that the play introduces one of the truly legendary characters in the history of storytelling.
The story has made its way into the world’s literary lore, and several other influences can be seen. In modern English, the term “Quixotic” symbolizes a person who fights impossible battles with great bravery, but is somewhat tragic in nature. The concept of chivalric romance can also be traced to this literary work, as the story contains a touching romantic element. Finally, the opening phrase of the novel, “de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme” ("whose name I do not want to recall"), has become part of modern Spanish slang.
Overall, if you want to see a classic that’s lasted for centuries, you need to secure Man of La Mancha tickets to get to know a legendary character and a timeless story.