Today, there are 70 million dogs in the United States but the American Kennel Club only recognizes 143 breeds of dogs. Still, with these numbers, choosing the right kind of dog breed for the family can be very tedious.
However, most pet shop owners contend that the reasons why the preference of the people in choosing their dogs may vary from one person to another is because each person has its own pre-conceived idea what he wants in a dog. It all depends on the physical attributes.
There are those who fancy the size, the shape of the face, the looks, or even the temper. But whatever preference an individual has regarding his choice for dogs, still, there are important factors that one must remember in choosing a particular dog breed.
Here’s a list of the things that must be considered first:
1. The size of the house
Many people tend to forget this factor. The area of the house should be the primary factor to consider before buying the best dog breed available.
For example, if a future dog owner is living on an apartment, then, there’s no use to buy a large dog. So, for limited space, it’s better to opt for those cute little canines that don’t need too much space to raise them.
2. The children
If a future dog owner has children, it’s best to consider his children rather than his own preference. Delicate dogs like Chihuahua care not advisable because they are too frail to let the children take care of them. Big dogs like Saint Bernard could also pose some risk on the children.
So, the bottom line is to choose the breed of dog depending on the age of the children and how many are they in the house.
3. The nature of the job
For people who would love to buy dogs but they don’t have time to devote so much on grooming, then, it’s best to buy those that doesn’t need too much attention on hair grooming like the Terriers. This kind of breed of dogs has short hairs so they don’t need a lot of fuss on their hair.
Boiled down, the best dog breed is the one that fits the kind of life the future owner has. Compatibility is the key in this kind of situation.
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