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Top 5 Benefits Of Earning An Online Degree

In just over a decade, the Internet has turned online education into a booming industry. The majority of colleges and universities now offer some form of distance learning as part of their curriculum. Enrollment is soaring, as more and more people recognize the value of an online degree.
Why are online degree programs so popular? Here is the top five benefits enjoyed by distance learning students at Almeda University.
1. Convenience
The most obvious benefit of earning an online degree is convenience. Students can “attend” classes from the comfort of their own homes, at a time that works for them. The time saved by not having to commute to a physical campus can be devoted to more valuable pursuits, such as studies or other personal priorities.
2. Flexibility
Self-paced learning allows students to schedule their study times around family, work and social commitments. Just as flexible work scheduling and telecommuting are cherished employee benefits in many companies today, flexible class scheduling makes online learning especially appealing to:
•single parents
•busy professionals
•remotely located students
And with Almeda University’s Life Experience program, students can receive credit toward their degrees for previous class work, as well as work and volunteer experience – what could be more flexible than that?
3. Economy
The cost of earning an online degree is substantially less than the tuition charged by a traditional college or university – and the savings do not end there. Add in the cost of gas, car maintenance, and meals on the go, and you will find that the savings for distance learners is significant indeed.
4. Variety
The selection of courses offered by online universities is comparable in numbers and variety to those offered by a traditional learning institution. Now, students who are located far from large cities or college campuses can enjoy a diverse curriculum, just like those who attend a physical university.
5. Communication
Although it may seem counter-intuitive, students who participate in online classes actually have greater opportunity for direct communication with teachers and students than those who attend classes in a traditional college. Instead of being limited by class or office hours, students have direct communication access via email or message boards at any time of the day. Electronic communication can be especially helpful for shy or reserved students, who can take the time to develop articulate questions and responses without the pressure of a live audience.
With Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degree programs in Arts, Sciences, Business Administration, and more, Almeda University fills a growing need among mature students for distance learning, with credit for life experience, at a cost far below traditional learning institutions.

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