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The Ins And Outs Of Anna Nicole Smith's Relationships

Her interests may lead Anna Nicole Smith to unusual or specialized artistic fields and she has the ability to successfully advertise or promote her projects. Anna Nicole could do well in journalism and in writing sexual literature. This astrological configuration also is associated with a marriage swindler!
Her strong enthusiasm for life affects everyone around her. Anna Nicole Smith has a sense of well-being, a harmonious sex-life and she is likely to enjoy healthy and affectionate love relationships. Anna Nicole Smith also has a lot of creative ideas and could do well with some kind of art projects. Enterprising, original and intuitive, Anna Nicole Smith has an instinctive correct grasp of a subject. She is intellectual, resents interference and it is hard to deceive her.
Anna Nicole Smith craves very intense, deep, emotional relationships, and would even prefer stormy, tumultuous relationships to ones that are smooth but lacking vitality and passion. Anna Nicole loves wholeheartedly and expects all-consuming, total devotion and attention from her partner. Casual, light relationships hold no appeal for Smith.
She is temperamental and impatient and can be very difficult to live with. Anna Nicole Smith tends to respond with a temper tantrum if her desires are frustrated. Anna Nicole Smith becomes very irritable and bad-tempered if she does not have enough vigorous physical activities or other outlets for her aggressive, feisty spirit.
Though she wants close relationships very much, Anna Nicole Smith often closes herself off and does not really trust others who may wish to get to know her. Smith is very wholehearted in her feelings and responses to people, and she wants all or nothing from the people she cares for. No matter how she appears on the surface, Anna Nicole Smith has a very soft heart and others can always appeal to Anna Nicole's sympathetic, affectionate side. She especially cares about the needs of children, mothers, and families, and she wants a love partner who values marriage, home, and family as much as she does.
In love relationships, Anna Nicole Smith wants an intellectual peer, an equal, and a friend. She is attracted to people who have a certain finesse, delicacy, and subtlety. Anna Nicole Smith appreciates good manners and refinement and is not happy with a coarse, blunt type of person.
She is subject to strange emotional experiences which could relate to the supernatural. Very sensitive, Anna Nicole Smith immediately responds to every influence, resulting in frequent changes of mood. She may be interested in the occult, psychic studies and spiritualism.