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Teen Surveys – A Safe, Rewarding Online Activity For Teens

In a world of Dateline predators and inappropriate content on MySpace, we sometimes lose site of the fact that there are good internet sites for teens. There are many sites dedicated to higher learning and fun teen activities for the millions of teenagers that access the internet each day. An often overlooked online activity that can be both fun and rewarding for teenagers is online teen surveys.
Each year corporations spend billions of dollars on advertising. They hire market research companies to test there advertisements and do research on the best ways to market to certain demographics. One of these key demographics is teenagers 13 to 17 years of age. Several of these companies offer cash and prizes in exchange for teen opinions on new products, movies, and teen trends in general. Online teen surveys are a great way for teens to express their ideas, influence the new products and services that enter the teen market, and earn cash and prizes.
Sounds good, but how does it all work? The market research companies usually host an online panel that they invite you to join. After you join, they then gather information about you, specifically age, hobbies, interest, etc. so that they can match you up with the surveys that are best suited for you. After you become a member, you will begin to receive survey invitations via email. Upon completion of the survey you will receive any incentives that were promised in the email. While volunteering this type of information online does not seem like a good idea, especially for teens, it is actually a safe, confidential environment for teens to express their opinions. This is of course if you stick to the legitimate market research companies, and not the thousands of scam sites on the internet.
Taking online surveys is a completely free process, and if a site requests money then that is usually the first sign that it is a scam and should be avoided. True market research firms are prohibited from charging fees. Also, if a site ask questions to personal in nature and seems suspicious (no company street address, contact information, etc) it should be avoided. Some quality paid survey sites that are offer teen membership are WhaddYaKnow (A division of GreenField Online), E-Poll, NFO MY Survey, Your2Cents, and American Consumer Opinion to name a few.
Teen Surveys can be a good after school activity, and serve as a mini-part-time-online-job for teens that will allow them to earn a little cash, gift certificates, and prizes. Parents, it is important for you to monitor your teen’s online activities, and make sure that they only join quality paid survey sites like the one’s mentioned in this article.

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