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The Disaster Of Hair Loss: Take It Easy

Human hair is one of those essential things that form the notion of beauty. Since long time ago hair comprised men power. Everyone knows the sad story of Samson who lost his incredible power after his wife Delilah had cut his long hair off.
Today it’s more the matter of beauty and looks rather than strength and power. And basically everyone knows why: plenty of ads, healthy lifestyle propaganda and social dimension of human existence. The problem is that the more we care about our hair, the less hairs we appear to have on our head. The world is facing the disaster of hair loss, which means more time and money will be spent on hair in future.
The problem is somewhere between environmental situation, stress, genes and harder brain work. Yet, hundreds of specialists that try to work the problem out are not quite positive about the real root of the hair loss pandemic all over the world. It’s mostly individual and can be either one negative factor or the group of negative factors that contribute to it.
Each hair on human’s body has its own follicle to grow from. The follicles produce cells that eventually turn to hairs. So, hairs are those dead cells that have been pushed out of follicle. It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs daily. If a person loses more, that can eventually lead to baldness.
Baldness is not that much devastating as it seems to be. It can be treated more or less successfully by special drugs like Propecia, and what’s more - it is not dangerous for your health. Still, the numbers show that about 50% of men of the world suffer from slight or severe baldness and the age groups go down averaging at 30-40.
People that start losing hair usually have to follow simple rules to prevent further hair loss. But if the problem grows to real baldness it is recommended that you consult a specialist first. Anyway, preventing methods are also appreciated. Hair needs care every single day. It is generally advised that you wash your hair due to your hair type and if you do that every day, then you have to find an appropriate shampoo and balsam, especially in summer.
Yet, it is pretty hard to stay cool, when there are so many myths around hair and baldness. Most of them basically touch men as men are considered to suffer from baldness more than women. In fact, men more suffer from the so called horse-shoe pattern around the sides of their head which makes the baldness more visible.
Another matter has something to do with the genetical theory of hair loss attaching a rumor that it is just enough to have a look at a father and you’ll see his son when he gets older, which is not biologically correct as assumes the sole influence of father’s genes in forming son’s cells.
Popular hair loss myths also include:
- it is useless to care about my hair as I cannot prevent my old age baldness anyway;
- baldness can be one of the side effects of shampoo/balsam overuse;
- it is harmful for the hair to wear a hat etc.

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