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The Guide To Straightening Hair

Want to be beautiful? It’s well known that beauty (on the outside, of course) begins with the hair! The hair straightening craze of late has caused a major rise in the sales of hair straightening products. What products are available? What methods can be put into use? How much do they cost? And most important of all: What will make for the most beautiful, shiny and shimmering straight hair?
There are three factors to consider when determining what straightening method would be appropriate for you and your hair. The first, of course, is the condition of your hair. Wavy hair would be easier and less expensive to straighten than curly hair, and so on. The next factor to consider is how long you want the treatment to last. Some straightening methods last months, but don’t allow for you to experiment with different hairstyles, however, they require less maintenance. Some women like to try different styles, while others would prefer not to. The final factor to consider is maintenance. Some methods require work every day, while others require little to no work.
The first and most expensive method is a salon treatment. Professionals use chemicals to almost permanently straighten your hair. Think of it as a sort of inverse perm! Rather than using a do-it-yourself kit, allow the professionals to do it. They can determine how strong of chemicals to use based on your hair condition, and will not damage your hair. This method requires the least day to day maintenance, but it is important to remember that it will be extremely difficult to experiment with different hair styles. Another important fact is that the better you take care of your hair, the longer the chemicals will keep your hair straight and beautiful.
The most popular method is a hair straightening iron. There are many different irons ranging in price and type. It is recommended to use a ceramic iron as they have better temperature control and is smother than a metal iron. The downfall of an iron is that the effects only last until the next washing of the hair. Also, be sure to avoid chemical treatments when using an iron to avoid hair damage and get regular trims to eliminate split ends.
However you slice it, you can straighten it!

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