Obiaks Blog

Sending Traffic To Your List Building Page. Part One: Blogging

It took a long time getting your squeeze page built just the way you wanted it, right? Now, how can you get traffic? It's the lifeblood of the Internet according to some. So, how do you go about getting it?

There are several ways to get traffic, actually, but not all of them may be right for you. Let's explore the different ways of getting traffic in a series of articles.

The first will be about blogging.

Blogging! You're probably thinking, I can't write. Well, yes you can! You don't have to be Hemingway to start a blog. You can be a decent writer, know how to get a point across, and have a successful blog. Just be sure that people are passionate about your subject matter. If you aren't, then you shouldn't even have a squeeze page up and running. If nobody is searching for your keywords, what's the point? But let's say that you know they are and that you're good to go.

Maybe you're building a list around something rather unusual, like World War II Battleships. If you're passionate about them, you've undoubtedly read lots of books about them, and may even have visited one or two. And let's say you have pictures! How great is that? Now, you can put those up on your blog, and write a short paragraph about each one. One picture per blog post. Or, just give some great battleship trivia facts. If you write about something most battleship aficionados would know, then write your viewpoint on it, and so on.

But if you absolutely are letting writing a blog yourself stop you, don't! Hire someone to write posts for you. You can pay as little as $2, or as high as thousands of dollars, but somewhere between $10 and $15 may do the trick. It just depends on how tough your niche is to write about. You won't get a very high-quality article for $2, that's for sure. And you may need more research than a $15 an article writer is willing to do. So, what you pay is really up to you. The important thing is to find someone you can work well with and who is dependable.

Make sure that your keyword is in your title, and that you use it early and often in your article, too. Just don't overdo. About 2% keyword density is considered appropriate now. That means don't stuff keywords into your post, just to get the search engines to visit. The search engine experts think that Google's using something called "latent semantic indexing" or LSI to spider content now. That means they're looking for keywords, but they're also looking for words and phrases that surround your topic. In other words, don't have "Britney Spears" as a keyword because people search like mad for it. If you have that keyword, your site had better be about Britney Spears.

Google decides their hierarchy by what they call "page rank." By meeting the keyword requirement, updating your site often, making your site bigger, etc., Google will give you higher ranking. The higher your page rank, the higher your page will appear in the search engine results pages, in most cases. That means more traffic.

But search engines frown on duplicate content, so don't post to your blog and then take the very same thing and upload it to a bunch of article directories. Why is this bad? Because search engines want the most unique results they can get for the people who are searching. They don't want the same article coming up in the first page of their results. So, just completely rewrite your article, if you want to use it for directories, too. Otherwise, only one page will get the benefit of your work and it may not be you.

What will work for you is the fact that blogs are the darlings of search engines. Why? Because spiders can crawl them easily, they're usually indexed quickly, too. Plus, every post is considered to be another page. So, post every day! The more pages a site has, the higher its page rank will be. That means, the higher it will be in the search engine results pages and the more your site will be seen.

Also put a call to action at the bottom of each post you make that's hyperlinked to your squeeze page. Include your keywords in that phrase, too. Now, you're getting direct click-through traffic to your squeeze page. Awesome! Make your blog better every day and watch the traffic grow.

In our next article, we'll discuss even more great ways to get massive traffic to your blog.