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Bird Flu- Threatening Poultry Sales

The outbreak of any epidemic or the widespread of any disease leads to an inevitable slump in the market. Be the sale in direct or indirect relation to it, the market is affected greatly in any case. So, you can very well analyze the affect on the market if the sale is directly proportional to the epidemic. The product here is directly proportional to the epidemic so you can very well imagine the severe effect.
The greatest risk factor for Bird Flu, seems to be contact with sick birds or with surfaces contaminated by their feathers, saliva or droppings. The World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed a handful of cases of limited human-to-human transmission of bird flu. But unless the virus begins to spread more easily among people, infected birds or material present the greatest hazard. Migratory waterfowl and ducks in particular, carry the viruses that cause bird flu. Often unaffected themselves, the host birds can spread the infection to susceptible species, especially domesticated chickens, turkeys and geese, resulting in severe epidemics that sicken and kill large numbers of birds — sometimes in a single day.
Avian viruses generally don't affect humans, but in 1997, an outbreak of bird flu in Hong Kong infected 18 people, six of whom died. Since then, human cases of bird flu have been reported in the Netherlands, Canada and throughout Asia. Most were traced to contact with infected poultry or surfaces contaminated by sick birds.
BBC news said that: The "intense interest" in the risk of a UK bird flu outbreak could seriously damage chicken and poultry sales, the National Farmers’ Union have warned. This was the headline of an article in the BBC news front page.
David Salisbury, head of immunization at the Department of Health, said an assumption was being made that one in four people would be affected by any such outbreak "The risk is very real, we're very aware of what's happening in south-east Asia and are monitoring very carefully the spread of disease amongst birds," he told BBC News.
Another date the BBC news front page said:
Poultry producers in Wales say their businesses are at risk following a ban on bird sales and shows to lessen the potential spread of avian flu. “We go to the sales to keep the cash flow going, but this ban has taken 80% of our market away”.
Said the Poultry producer Chris Taylor, which very clearly states the condition of poultry sales due to the ban levied on it.
Hence, the above-mentioned reports very well sum up how the sales have been affected in case of poultry due to this bird flu. This viral infection has been the cause of so many problems. The H5N1 virus currently infecting birds in this avian flu have caused human illness and death is resistant to amantadine and rimantadine, two antiviral medications commonly used for influenza. Two other antiviral medications, oseltamavir and zanamavir, may treat flu caused by the H5N1 virus. Tamiflu is the most effective medicine against this perilous disease. And remember Tamiflu is most effective if treatment is started within 48 hours of symptom onset.
So Don’t Loose Time Buy Tamiflu.

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