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Satellite Tv For Pc

The New Kid On The Block

There are several ways to get satellite TV programming into your home. In the United States, the first satellite TV systems are called TVRO, for TeleVision Receive Only. They are set up using sizable satellite dishes (three to six feet in diameter) to receive programming from many different satellites. For the same reason, often they are designed to move so that they could be directed at different satellites at different times. TVRO systems operate using a frequency called C band.

Do-it-yourself satellite TV enthusiasts are the most typical owners of TVRO systems, and they are still preferred by many boob tubers. That is because the content available over C Band is for the most part unencrypted and so the better your TVRO system (or systems) the more satellite television programming you can get. Often, TVRO owners can find "raw" news content, meaning that it has not yet been edited in any way by a news station. The big drawback of these systems, however, is that they carry far fewer stations than their newer counterpart: Direct Broadcast Systems.

Direct Broadcast Systems, or DBS, are today the most common satellite TV systems. These are the corporate satellite TV services that offer programming packages with hundreds of channels for a monthly subscription fee. DirecTV and Dish Network are the two heavyweights in the satellite TV market in the U.S. DBS systems make use of a much smaller dish (around a foot and a half diameter) as they operate on a much higher frequency called Ku-Band. It doesn't need to be able to move because it is directed at only one satellite that is "fixed," residing in geostationary orbit.

In addition to TVRO and DBS systems, there is a new kid on the block in terms of satellite TV viewing, one that is making a lot of noise. Although it is commonly referred to as "satellite TV on PC," "satellite TV for PC," or "satellite TV to PC," etc, it is more accurately described as Internet TV. After all, even though TV satellites are used to transmit content, you, the viewer, do not need to have a satellite dish yourself. Instead, you need a high speed Internet connection and a computer with decent enough graphics capability. This is all you need to tap into the growing world of Internet Television.

Internet TV makes use of available Free-to-Air (FTA) digital satellite broadcasts, and can offer you an overwhelming number of channels, of both video and audio programming, provided you know where to find it, and how to set up your computer to receive it.

Enter "TV to PC" software: for anywhere from $19.95 to $75, there are software applications that provide direct links to satellite TV content available worldwide. As you would expect, you get a range of news, sport, movies, shopping, kid stuff, adult stuff, and music, but you are also getting content streaming from a large number of different countries. You'll find a good deal of programming that you want, and a good deal more that you didn't know you wanted because you had no idea it was out there and was available to you.

There are some free websites online that offer links to a limited amount of Satellite TV content, but a one-off cost for software that provides direct links to a broad range of channels and instructions on how to organize and manage them might be worthwhile for some customers. Purchases should come with some form of customer support along with some form of guarantee. As with anything, shop around and be smart about your purchase. Make sure you're getting what you pay for.

The Basics

When it comes to watching TV on your computer, you can go down one of two roads: the hardware one or the software one. If you take the hardware road, what you're going to buy is called a TV-PC tuner card. This comes either as a card that you install inside your computer that creates an external socket for your TV aerial, or as a USB device that will happily plug into the outside of your machine. This will allow you to receive television signals directly to your computer, and is handy for someone who has recording options on their computer that they can use for television content. This option, however, will not allow you to get any TV content that you are not already getting or entitled to either through a paid subscription service of free public television content.

If you take the software road, you are entering the land of "Internet television," which is at once a land of promise and a land of confusion. Here's what it entails:

1) There is plenty of free stuff available legally online by way of video clips and streaming content. This stuff can be anything from an amateur video on You Tube to streaming news clips associated with a professional news agency. Many satellite TV stations also stream live on the web, and there are a handful of websites that link you to this content.

2) You can opt to buy a software application (for anywhere from $25 to $125) that will provide direct links (often numbering in the thousands) to national and international satellite television programming. The software in most cases is downloadable online, and will open the chosen content in a standard media player.

Both of these first two options can be hit or miss as far as finding what you really want. And no, you cannot legally get MTV or HBO for free. What you do find is often a grab bag of foreign language and religious programming, and your search will be rife with browser incompatibility problems, applet errors, broken links, and endless buffering. If you do go with the proprietary software solution for a very low price, you can count on getting what you pay for.

3) You can also use peer-to-peer (P2P) applications to share video files with others. The technology itself is legal, but distributing and/or receiving protected television programming is not. But in this case at least you know what you're getting.

In the coming years, paid satellite TV subscriptions will go down in price and the offerings that are available for free will go up in quality. TV programming online will also improve, and the practice of micro-payments for certain content may help drive this change. In the meantime, searching for satellite TV programming online, often from other countries, will continue to be an unpredictable and often surreal experience, but it can also be a serendipitously rewarding one.


With the advancement of satellite TV you can now watch any TV program that you choose to watch on your computer. Not only your favorite TV programs you can also watch live sports and movies from around the world.

When doing satellite TV on your PC details I’ve noticed at first choosing what to watch can be overwhelming due to thousands of channels. The amount of stations you can watch is remarkable just for the United States there is over 100 stations, UK 60 stations plus there is over 70 more countries that you can watch there stations. You can watch the latest blockbuster titles from all around the world for free and watch movies from another country. Plus If you are into music there is over 40 channels so you can listen to all the latest music releases. Watch concerts, festivals, and videos from all around the world. How about watching live sports that are not shown on normal satellite TV including your favorite sports team. Movies watch the latest blockbuster titles from all around the world for free plus children’s shows the choices are endless.

All you need is a computer that has Internet access and pay a one off lifetime subscription payment then it's free for life. There is no need to buy extra hardware equipment or a PC TV card because the TV channels are streamed through your Internet connection. Families spend about $100 per month due to having satellite services monthly payments. The beauty about watching satellite TV on your computer is you do not pay any monthly fee.

To get high picture quality it is recommended that you watch it on broadband instead of 56k connection even though it can be watched on 56k connection. Anything less then broadband such as 56k connection is ok but broadband will offer superior audio and video quality.

Few things to be aware of there are a lot of imitations of the satellite TV programs, all have there own software with their own promises and prices and make sure they are legal before you commit yourself.

My conclusion  is there are so much that you, your family and friends can watch and you have it for life and most have lifetime updates for free. Just make sure you investigate the program before you decide to make your one off payment.

Satellite TV Player software

When television first became a household item it also became the focal point for the whole family. Turning on the television meant a gathering time when the family would get together and either enjoy a meal or a major sports event together. However, those were the days when there was only one channel and hence there were no conflicts in choices based on personal preferences. All this has changed in recent times with the number of channels growing rapidly. The most recent development, satellite television, has provided a new increase in the types of programs available and while there is the benefit that people can fine tune their viewing experience, it also means that when there is only one television to be shared among a group, there will be the proverbial fight for the remote control. The personal computer might be the savior in such a case.

It would be rare indeed to find a computer nowadays that did not have some kind of Internet connectivity and equally difficult to find a home without some kind of computer. While there are some minimum requirements in terms of computer configuration as well as Internet bandwidth, Satellite TV Player software is a service that can easily convert your desktop or laptop computer into a television. The conversion from computer to television takes place through software that enables the computer to receive television broadcasts over the Internet. The software is easy to install and use and may be set up on a work or home computer. Once installed, there are thousands of new stations to enjoy and some of these are not available on regular satellite televisions but are exclusive to the Internet. It usually requires only one down payment in the form of a lifetime subscription to get this done.

Since you already have the required equipment and connectivity, and since you do not have to worry about recurring monthly charges, Internet satellite television is the best option when it comes to resolving fights for the remote control. For an insignificant fraction of what you would have to spend on a new television and the monthly charges thereafter, you could get a cheap lifetime subscription for satellite television on every computer in your home. If the kids want to watch their channels on their big television then you as an adult can continue to enjoy your news and other kinds of adult entertainment through your computer.

Since some of the Internet satellite television channels are not available on regular satellite television, there is an even greater personal choice in terms of what you wish to watch. The easy delivery of content over the Internet makes it easier for the providers to really specialize their programs to individual tastes like never before. Consequently, the number of channels has leaped from the hundreds into the thousands once the delivery medium was switched to the Internet. Fortunately, managing those channels through a computer is a lot easier than it is with a remote control.

Although there are this many number of channels and quite a few of them are exclusively made available through Internet satellite television, the surprising thing is the low cost compared to a regular monthly subscription. Satellite TV Player software has one flat subscription charge for enabling the service and ongoing support but no more charges thereafter. There are no monthly charges of any kind or extra charges for whatever reason. There are no premium channels or special features. You just pay the flat amount upfront and everything is yours. It does not really matter what kind of service you have used in the past but Internet satellite television means that you pay only once and then it’s yours for life. Television does not get cheaper than this. The complete range of channels and programs of every imaginable variety is available to you. The danger here is that you will be flooded with information to the point of overloading and your problem might be of whether to watch something local or something happening halfway across the world. There is nothing that you can think of watching and it is not there on Internet satellite television.

It is estimated that an average family spends close to a $100 for a monthly subscription to satellite television. The families who opt for premium channels and special events end up paying a whole lot more and the television changes from a means of entertainment to a major expense of everyday life. When you look at this in light of the Internet option, you must realize that your regular satellite television subscription is just so much money wasted needlessly when you could easily be saving it for something better. The mere idea of canceling your subscription and selling the television is too horrifying for most people to contemplate. The modern household cannot survive without a television.

Besides offering the common channels, Satellite TV Player software also provides access to hundreds of international channels so that you can stay on top of world events. The Internet is the only medium that offers this kind of choice because it is the only medium in which these many channels are easy to manage and view. Internet satellite television wins through on the basis of volume if nothing else. No other satellite television service can afford to provide coverage of more than seventy-five countries with no monthly fees.

Internet satellite television only requires a good connection. You are not meant to watch it using a dial-up connection, a broadband connection is the minimum recommended. Besides your computer and the Internet, you will not require purchasing any additional equipment to view Internet satellite television. Do not confuse this with the type of television on your computer that requires a TV-tuner card or other similar hardware. The only additional component that you need is the software to tune and manage all the channels and that is included in the one time payment you make to the service provider. The installed software will then function as your menu through which you can browse all the options and select the one you wish to view. It behaves like a remote control that comes with descriptions and snippets of all channels and program schedules. This might initially seem a bit longish way to get the job done as opposed to just clicking the remote but compared to flipping through thousands of channels, this is a whole lot more convenient. Always remember that the quality of the channel you view is dependent more on your Internet bandwidth than on your monitor. The more speed you have, the better picture and sound quality you will enjoy.

You must also realize that all this is perfectly legal. There is nothing wrong with Internet satellite television. People often display concern that the broadcasting of such information over the Internet might be viewed as piracy or hacking but that is all nonsense. Internet satellite television is a completely legitimate form of television.

Since the medium of transmission is over the Internet, this also removes any restrictions on your personal location. You may be at home or you may be across the world on a vacation. As long as you can find a decent Internet connection and a computer, or carry a laptop, your television goes with you.

A lifetime subscription of Satellite TV Player software is $49.95. For that small amount, you get a permanent subscription to over 3000 channels with no further applicable charges. There are no monthly charges like in regular services and even then the cost is much lower than what you would have to pay otherwise. Also, there are no hidden charges or special offers for premium channels and so on. You get the whole deal for just $49.95, and you get it for life.

Your computer does not need to be upgraded to enjoy Internet satellite television and neither does the operating system on it. Whether you are running Microsoft Windows 95 or XP, satellite television will work just fine. The software accompanying your subscription was programmed in close consultation with experts from Microsoft and IBM and was built for maximum compatibility.

Here is a brief sampling of what you may enjoy through Internet satellite television.

Music: You can enjoy your choice of music through more than forty channels dedicated to music. You can watch concerts, latest videos, and music festivals from all over the world. Besides television, your subscription will also include dozens to hundreds of radio stations that you can enjoy over the Internet.

Sports: You will be able to view sports channels from all across the world featuring every conceivable game. Whatever your personal taste in sports, Internet satellite television can provide you with it.

Movies: Sports and movies are perhaps the costliest combination in a monthly subscription to television, especially for premium viewings. With Internet satellite television, it is now possible to watch movies from the whole world without and restrictions for premium content. Whether you like the latest hits or the classics, whatever type of movies you like, there is always something showing on Internet satellite television.

Kids: Whether it is school time for education programs or holidays for fun activities, there is no shortage of channels for kids with entertainment for children available round the clock.

News:Global news, weather, political happenings and everything that you need to keep abreast of developments is available through Internet satellite television.

What To Choose?

If we compare Satellite TV for PC software with traditional satellite television services, we can notice that both satellite TV on PC software and conventional TV have their own unique advantages as well as disadvantages. It is clear that Satellite TV for PC software is never going to replace the traditional satellite TV providers. But, this software is a great alternative for people who want to watch their favorite satellite TV shows and not spending a fortune on satellite TV programming packages.

Any person tired of paying monthly satellite TV subscriptions will find that with this option all that is required is the one time set up fee for the software and that is it. Nothing else is required to watch satellite TV on a computer. If you choose this option you can have unlimited access to over two thousand satellite channels. And - no recurring charges. As you probably know, traditional providers of satellite TV, for example Dish Network, require monthly subscriptions for their programming packs, the cheapest package costs about $20. Many people, especially young people prefer this Satellite TV on PC option. But it's not only for computer geeks that don't want to spend much time in front of TV - it is for anyone with a laptop or desktop computer. Little or no computer experience is definitely not an obstacle. This software is 100% legal and it is very easy to install and use.

However, there are many disadvantages of watching satellite TV on a computer. For example, picture quality is not always good - it depends highly on your Internet connection. Some satellite TV for PC viewers complain about their small monitor screens. But, there is a way to solve this problem - you can attach a video cable from your PC to the TV set. Satellite TV on PC cannot provide the same kind of entertainment experience that you can get from traditional satellite TV services, for instance there is no DVR and HD TV features. Also, Satellite TV on PC software available on some sites, may install adware or spyware on your computer without your knowledge. Of course, make sure you buy original Satellite TV for PC software, and you won't have problems with spyware and adware.

You should also note that the satellite television equipment offered by big companies like Dish Network, and authorized Dish Network's dealers, is available free for the first time customers. This free equipment includes a free satellite dish, free receiver, free DVR, some HDTV features, and a free installation of their satellite television system. A free home protection plan, as well as 24/7 customer online and phone support is also offered. All this is excellent if you choose this option, but there are some charges here, for example an activation fee. But you do get all the equipment for free, and all you have to pay for is satellite TV programming subscription.

So, what should you choose - satellite TV on your PC, or traditional satellite TV services? Or both? The choice is up to you.

The Cost

I've done a lot of researching on satellite TV for PC's and the price ranges are normally "between" $29 to $99. There are cheaper ones around but beware there are a lot of imitations of satellite TV programs and the price is not always the criteria to look for. Most are low one off lifetime subscription payment fee is all you need to be able to connect to a world of television is a computer with Internet access. Meaning that you do not need to buy extra hardware equipment or a PC TV card because the TV channels are streamed through your Internet connection. Some even work with a 56k connection, the faster your Internet speed the better picture you will get. (A Broadband connection will deliver superior audio and video quality). Check before you purchased if this paragraph is in there advertising.

The Amount Of Stations And Picture Quality

The amount of stations can range from hundreds to thousands. Some programs actually offer more then one TV so you can actually be watching 2 or even 3 TV's on your computer at the one time. Having all these channels is great but what about the picture quality. There is no point of having satellite TV for your PC if you can't see it properly so be cautious at the program you are looking at.

Lifetime Updates At No Cost Plus Is It Completely Legal

Another point to look at when doing satellite TV for PC review is does it offer lifetime updates at no cost. If it doesn't cross it of your list and find out if it is all completely legal.

Music, Sports, Movies, Children Channels ETC

Music: There’s got to be enough choices to keep everyone satisfied such as if you love your music do you get watch and listen to all the latest music releases. Can you watch concerts, festivals, and videos from all around the world?

Sports: For sport channels there should be no need to pay for live sports again. From basketball, baseball, football, soccer, hockey, athletics, tennis, boxing you name it, it should be all provided live and free.

Movies: Can you watch the latest blockbuster titles from all around the world for free and watch movies from another country.

Children: There should be enough channels for the kids to be entertained with and keep them quiet when there bored especially during school holidays.

ETC: Also educational programs, news, weather, politics and so much more.


Be aware of these points it surely beats paying satellite subscription packages regularly tip the balance towards $100 for some households per month.

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