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Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease You Are Probably Ignoring

Parkinson's Disease PD is a nervous disorder that affects movements. Often common in adults however, it can also affect children but quite rare. It is usually caused by a decrease in dopamine levels which occur as a result nerve damage. In most cases symptoms begins with tremor in the hand, an involuntary contraction and relaxation of muscles, leading to sudden movement or twitching of body parts. Although Parkinson's disease has no cure however, medications and some types of surgery can help improve symptoms.

Below are symptoms you may want to lookout for;


Tremor is an involuntary contraction and relaxation of muscles which can lead to sudden movement of body parts. This is often the first observable symptoms of Parkinson's disease. When your hands starts shaking uncontrollably, it may be a symptoms of this disease. Although tremors can have causes that aren't due to PD, it may also be a sign of muscle fatigue or side effects of medications. 

Slowed movement (bradykinesia).

Parkinson's disease affects the function of your muscles and as a result can slow down your movement in general. A person with this condition may find it difficult accomplishing simple task that involve physical activity or psycho-motor responses. Every simple task becomes time consuming including walking, sitting and standing up from chairs, holding tightly to things with the hand.     

Bad posture and balance.

This disease may affect your posture. Your posture may become stooped, or you may have problems with balancing.

Loss of automatic movements.

You may have a decreased ability to perform involuntary movements or movements controlled by reflex. This may include blinking, smiling or swinging your arms when you walk.

Speech changes.

This disease affects speech in many ways. People with Parkinson's disease speaks quietly but the speech may be monotone, (speaking in one tone). They may have difficulties in clear pronunciations and speaking may become slur. 

Writing changes.

Since this disease affect ones psycho-motor abilities, writing may become difficult. More often, the person may find it difficult writing legibly.