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How Businesses Hack Customers Brain To Make Them Spend Money

If you must be successful in your business, you must be convincing enough to actually make your customers see reasons they need to patronize you. A lot of business owners and managements have got to do a lot of things or use business strategies just to create a pool of customers for their businesses. However, most of those business usually employ dubious means into achieving this aim while others may not literally employ odd attitudes into convincing their customers but let their customers still have the final decisions to make as regards whether they would patronize them or not. 

It may be so interesting to know that a lot of businesses have several tricks up their sleeves which they use on us, they can play both psychological and scientific pranks on our mind which may be hard for us to resist. In other words, they hack our brains in a subtle way possible that even we our self are not aware of.

Take a look at some examples below;


Casinos use both psychology and science to make you keep gambling. Everything they have within their premises—from the arrangement of their tables to the lights they use and even the designs of their carpets, are tools meant to work against your success, although you may not realize it. They just put you in the mood of wasting money.....if you found yourself hooked up in their trap, then good luck to you.

Slot machines in casinos are just death traps, they lure you into coming to play and can even let you win a lot of cash initially -but the tweet is that, you are going to loose all of those money later if you are not careful....its not magic, that just the way the machines are programed. They are just a killer bait that appears as delicious meals.

When you've lost so much and feel frustrated, casinos can even offer you a free meal just to appeal to your emotions. Don't joke with those guys they got it all covered.


When you are in some standard restaurants, going through their menus alone can make you feel overwhelmed. They make it appear in such a way that it can even make you salivate.

Have you been to a restaurant that you promised not to spend above a thousand naira then you ended up spending times two of it or even more?. Don't be so surprised at it, they've just done to you what they know how to do best....playing tricks on your mind.

They are very good at using words and phrases, their words can be so appealing that you may end up spending beyond necessary. We all know that chickens cannot be regarded as juicy but restaurants use those words or phrases a lot... Like; "Mar, would you care for some juicy chicken wings drenched in a delicious glossy sauce"  or perhaps some savory frogs legs bathed with a super marinara soup". Brothers and sisters whenever you hear this just know that you are a goner, just observe a minute silence for your money because its not coming back.

Restaurants also smartly arrange their menus so that an expensive item will look cheap. For example, a ₦700 item looks expensive when you compare it to a ₦500 item. However, that ₦700 item starts to look cheap when a food item costing ₦1000 is added and even get cheaper when a ₦1500 item is added. You have to be ready for those guys if not your finished.


eCommerce are online stores where people shop for a particular commodity. These people have several means of deceiving their customers using dark patterns. Dark patterns are techniques website use to trick their visitors into performing a specific action or buying items. They use it to manipulate users into making decisions they wouldn't otherwise make normally. Click here to know more on dark patterns.

Social Media

If you have probably wondered why Facebook or Instagram is so addictive, then do not be anymore because these things are just designed to act that way. Why would they not be addictive? when you get to hook up with thousands of new people, people you would probably not have met in your entire life.

These companies employs thousands of computer scientists and engineers all over the world to develop new ways of making their products addicting.

One is the creation of the “like” button. Another is the "infinite scroll" that drags you into the lions den. The infinite scroll means you don't have to click a “next” button to visit the next page, more content automatically loads as you go downward. You never reach the end of the page and just keep scrolling down infinitely.

At this point, you might be thinking why Facebook is doing that, right? because it looks free to use, isn't it? Well, you don’t need to pay a penny to Facebook because advertisers are doing that already. They just require you to be carried away online to view those ads while they make their money. Facebook is a crook right? maybe or maybe not....but however, you cannot do without Facebook, can you?


Supermarkets can be so beautiful and attractive. There are quite a number of people who goes there just to take picture with their phones but ended up spending the entire money in their pocket. Supermarkets have a lot of tricks up their sleeves. Mainly looking at the brightness of light and how gracefully their goods are arranged, can make you put hands in your pocket gracefully, bring out some graceful money and spend them all on those goods in a graceful way.

They make sure that they arrange their goods in the way that will captivate your attention. Items kept directly at your eyes are often the most expensive. They are also the ones you see first. The cheaper and more useful ones are kept higher up or lower down on the shelves. They just want to do everything possible to chase money away from your pocket....these guys are dangerous, beware of them. 

If you must go to the supermarket and don't want to spend much, just make sure you write down your list carefully, carry the exact money you think would be able to purchase those goods so that there would not be any change to collect. No weapon formed against your money shall prosper....I want you to shout Amen!


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