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Terrifying Facts About Gonorrhea You Need To Know

Having a sickness that has to do with your private part can be very scary like gonorrhea, the second most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the world.

Gonorrhea causes pain when urinating, discharge, sore throat, fever, and achiness. Some of its symptoms are ignored because they’re associated with other illnesses, and some cases of gonorrhea are asymptomatic. Nevertheless, gonorrhea can be quickly and easily spread.

But gonorrhea is a no celebratory matter - it is an infection that can be cured in a no time when treated.

More People Are Getting Infected

More people are getting infected. From the historic low point in 2009, gonorrhea cases have skyrocketed by 48.6 percent in the world.

Gonorrhea Can Trigger Other Medical Problems

Gonorrhea may trigger heart problems later in life, and infected mothers may pass along the disease to their babies, resulting in blindness for the children.

Aside from causing things like pelvic inflammatory disease in females and sterility in males (like many sexually transmitted diseases do), those who have gonorrhea are at risk for having other medical problems years after being infected, including the inflammation of their heart valves.

Even mothers with gonorrhea who give birth could pass along the disease to their children, who in turn could suffer some nasty eye infections or blindness. Most of all, gonorrhea causes misery.

Condoms May Not Work

Condoms may not protect against gonorrhea because there may be other uncovered areas on the body, such as a sore, where infected bodily fluids can spread the disease. As gonorrhea can be asymptomatic at first, especially in females, it can take up to 30 days before you start experiencing any symptoms. For men, symptoms usually begin two to seven days after infection. However, up to 15 percent of men and approximately 80 percent of women may not show symptoms. This can lead to the unwitting spread of the disease or unnecessary complications because it isn’t treated promptly.

Likelihood Of Getting Other STDs

Although there isn’t enough data to medically support the claim, it’s believed that more than 70 percent of young people who contract gonorrhea will get another STD in less than a year. Patients with untreated gonorrhea often develop scarring on their reproductive organs. Untreated gonorrhea can also spread to other areas of the body.

Mercury Injections

Gonorrhea used to be treated with mercury injections into the penis. If today’s antibiotics don’t work to cure super gonorrhea, let’s hope that doctors don’t turn back the clock to some of the older treatments.

Before the 1940s, when penicillin became a common medicine, doctors used various treatments, including mercury injections. After that, other treatments like colloidal silver, arsenic, gold, bismuth, and other minerals were used. Their effectiveness was rated on whether a patient’s discharge stopped.

Most recently, Listerine has been tested as a cure for gonorrhea. The number of cases in gay or bisexual men has risen, mostly because many don’t use condoms or they engage in oral sex.