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Deadly Items You Cannot Avoid In Your Home

Our home literally should be a place of safety where we seek refuge. However, in reality, it has turned out that our own household can be a very dangerous place just like that else wheres of life .

Every year, countless people are injured and several die due to home accidents - and from products that most people use on a daily basis. Despite the regular maintenance we are doing, the places we all call home contain numerous mysterious accidents waiting to happen.

The following list provides a guide to common household items that can surprisingly kill you.


Bleach, which is intended to clean even the most severe messes, can be very dangerous. Consuming bleach or even inhaling it can be fatal. However, when mixed with other cleaners like ammonia and acids, deadly effects can also result.

The primary ingredient in bleach is sodium hypochlorite. When mixed with ammonia, this substance releases toxic gases called chloramines. When mixed with acids, bleach gives off chlorine gas, which can harm the mucous membranes even after minimal exposure. It can even be absorbed through the skin!


You may have never noticed the poison warning on most tube of toothpaste. This is largely because a staggering 95 percent of toothpaste contains fluoride.

It has been studied that overconsumption of fluoride toothpaste in children can result in acute fluoride poisoning and even death. Another major risk factor of toothpaste is dental fluorosis, which is a side effect that attacks tooth enamel and can result in severe reactions. Toothpaste, ironically intended to keep us hygienic and healthy, can ultimately be deadly.


Fireplaces, the same cozy features adorning the walls of homes across the world, not only provide heat and comfort but can also produce toxic gases. Carbon monoxide is the problem here. You are at particular risk if your fireplace is not well-ventilated or you are sleeping while the fireplace burns. Of course, carbon monoxide poisoning can result from a furnace that isn’t functioning properly as well.


Composed of either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene (chemicals as harmful as their words are long), mothballs pose a serious threat to household safety. Used for years to prevent the presence of moths, they are a serious risk at home, primarily toward young children.

The Department of Public Health explains that both chemicals become gases when exposed to oxygen. This also causes a distinct aroma. This gas is not only an irritant to eyes and lungs alike but is even suspected of potentially causing cancer.

Lead Paint

In 1978, the US government banned the use of all paints containing lead. Homes and buildings built earlier pose the risk that their occupants may suffer from lead poisoning.

Lead-based paints are still present in millions of homes across the US, and their risks aren’t well-known. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that the most critical risk occurs when the lead paint deteriorates.

It can also be a hazard when present on surfaces that children use or chew on, such as windows, doors, and stairs. While lead is naturally occurring, extensive exposure can result in death. It is explicitly advised that any lead-based paint be removed as soon as possible.

Extension Cords

While very useful, extension cords are far more dangerous than most people realize (aside from the obvious tripping hazard). Used at home and in the workplace to transfer power wherever needed, extension cords are also extremely flammable.

Believe it or not, approximately 3,300 home fires occur each year because of extension cords, killing about 50 people and injuring around 270 more. Additionally, 4,000 injuries associated with extension cords are treated in the emergency room.

Even more interesting, half of these injuries are fractures, sprains, or lacerations. The Electrical Safety Foundation suggests that extension cords be used only for temporary needs and should not overheat in any way.

Furniture Polish

Furniture polish can make your furniture look brand-new and give your home a subtle new light. But it can also cause a trip to the emergency room. Although it’s a common item found under the kitchen sink in homes across the world, furniture polish possesses an extremely toxic composition.

Nonstick Cookware

Nonstick pans are a vital component of any cook’s kitchen—from restaurant chefs to home culinary experimenters. In 2006, 90 percent of all aluminum cookware sold was “nonstick,” often coated with a substance called Teflon.

This percentage has continued to rise, but so has skepticism from experts who report dangerous chemical emissions. Robert L. Wolke, PhD, of the University of Pittsburgh indicates that nonstick pans are safe as long as they are not overheated.

When the cookware reaches an unsuitable temperature, the coating begins to deteriorate at an invisible molecular level and toxic gases can be released. This is particularly alarming considering how common it is to forget something on the stove . . . we have all done it!

As more research continues to affirm this concern, it is increasingly important that the kitchen is always monitored. Otherwise, nonstick cookware can pose fatal risks to its users.