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How To Wake Someone Up From a Deep Sleep Without Having to Knock Them Out

Waking someone up from a deep sleep is one of the most dangerous thing to do but most of us do not realize this. It is something we need to do with caution because it could lead to a serious adverse effect. You all will agree with me that when someone suddenly wakes you up from a deep sleep, at that point in time you tend to loose balance not only will you feel dizzy but also your heart beats tends to accelerate and a whole lots of physiological changes which might be very dangerous.

Here are scientifically proven ways of waking someone up from a deep sleep and not having to knock them out.

. How To Wake Up Baby

Babies tend to doze off during breastfeeding and parents often have to nudge them into wakefulness so they can continue eating.  Sometimes infants need to be awakened because they are on a feeding schedule.

Of course, it’s always a good idea to start training your little one to nurse at specific times so that they start developing their body clock. Newbies sleep and nap most of the time, so you will have to make the time to wake them up to eat.

Here’s how to wake a sleeping baby up. If your child is in deep sleep their eyes flutter or their face changes expression. By holding them in an upright position and pursing their lips gently with your finger, your baby will eventually open their eyes.

. How To Wake Up A Child

Every person has an individualized sleep cycle, as each person has their own circadian rhythm. Waking school age children in the morning often require a serious effort. All parents know how tough it can be to get children out of bed.

It would be great if every child was a morning person but waking up early can be a challenge for them, especially when they become teenagers.
Parents can try these methods;

Let some light in

If you are wondering how to wake someone up why not open the windows to let in some natural light? Once the body senses the light coming in, it will reduce the amount of melatonin it produces helping children wake up gradually.

Set their alarm

Let your child pick out a kid-friendly alarm clock. Make sure they know how to use it and place it within easy reach of their bed. For kids that need a few minutes to wake up, set the alarm a couple of minutes early to give them some time to wake up and stretch.

Teenagers May Require Special Care

Just about any parent of a teenager knows that they often sleep later. You may even feel like your teenager’s personal wake-up call service. Sometimes, the alarm on their cell phone just isn’t sufficient.

For these kids, try placing a regular alarm clock at a distance from their bed. Alarm clocks set at a distance require people to get up to turn off the noise. This not only helps wake them up but may make them less likely to hit the snooze button.

. How To Wake Up An Adult

Figuring out how to wake someone up when they are an adult can be much more challenging, especially when they don’t want to get up early.

Choose a soothing sound for alarm. Some people just don’t wake up cheerful. If you want to wake someone up without making them angry and irritated at you, encourage them to choose an alarm that produces soothing sounds.

Turn the radio on. Some people love waking up to the sound of the radio. There is nothing better than hearing your favorite song or artist first thing in the morning.

There are other, more unconventional ways to get someone out of bed in the morning, such as dumping a glass of cold water on their face. This may make the video rounds but we suggest flicking cold water on them instead.

. How To Wake Up Someone With Sleep Apnea

Sleep disorders, like sleep apnea, can prevent people from getting a good night’s sleep. When someone suffers from sleep apnea, their breathing is disrupted by the loose muscles in their throat.

Unfortunately, their partner may find themselves constantly waking up also thanks to the tendency of those with sleep apnea to jolt awake at night. While you might be tempted to wake your partner up in the morning, you might want to let them sleep.

. How To Wake Up Someone Who Is Sleepwalking

There was a time when doctors advised to never wake a sleepwalker. Sleepwalkers tend to be in a dream-like state that causes their body to wander around even when their brain is asleep at night.

A person who sleeps walks should be guided back to their bed quietly so they don’t startle awake. If the sleepwalker does wake up they may feel a bit disoriented at first, so gently explain to them that they were sleepwalking.

. How To Wake Up Someone Who Talks In Their Sleep

What about a person who talks in their sleep?

Sleep talking is a type of sleep disorder where the person talks while he or she sleeps. This is more common in men and children. Talking in your sleep is not considered a medical condition.

Most of the time, those who sleep talk do not remember what they said despite how graphic or detailed the information they provide is. While sleep talking can be startling, you don’t have to wake someone up to make them stop.

The sleep talker will generally stop on their own within a few seconds. If they don’t, gently nudge them and whisper in a soothing tone. Sleep talking can occur in conjunction with some other sleep disorders such as

Sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation may occur for a variety of reasons. it’s important to develop good sleep hygiene

Night terrors/ nightmares

The difference between nightmares and night terrors is that the latter are remembered by the person who experiences them. If someone you love is having a night terror, do not wake them up or touch them (unless they are in danger). Holding them can make them more frightened. The same thing goes for nightmares.  If a person suffers from chronic nightmares, they should consider seeing a sleep specialist.

Locked in syndrome

This is a medical condition, often resulting from a stroke, where the body and most of the facial muscles are paralyzed. Some eye movement is still possible. This is a rare disease. The caretaker must learn the sufferer’s cues and work with medical professionals to determine how to read these clues.

Sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis sometimes occurs when a person passes between the stages of wakefulness to sleep. A person experiences the inability to move or speak immediately after waking up. You can try to wake the person up gently.


A coma is a state of prolonged unconsciousness due to a variety of problems. You can not wake up a person from a coma. It is a medical emergency and must be assessed by health professionals to determine its cause. However, even though the person is unconscious, many times the person still retains the ability to hear. Caretakers must keep the person safe while they are in a coma.

Although sleep talking is not harmful, since you can easily go back to sleep after, it may be a sign that you are missing out on sleep. To lessen your sleep talking at night, make sure you are getting enough night’s sleep on a daily basis.