Obiaks Blog

Kelsey Wells Shares Why You Should Consider Ditching Your Goal Weight

Kelsey Wells was one of the OG fitness bloggers. But she's not above the pressure to be an "ideal weight"-especially as a personal trainer.

With so many influencer and celebrities sharing drastic weight-loss stories and transformation photos on social media, it's hard not to be hyper-focused on losing weight. However, setting unrealistic expectations-and then failing to meet them-can have a significant negative impact on your body image. "I used to weigh myself every day and would allow the number that appeared there to dictate not only my mood but certain behaviors and even my own internal dialogue," wrote Wells. "I could feel AMAZING, yet if I woke up and that number didn't reflect what I thought it should, just like THAT I lost all confidence. I fooled myself into believing no progress was being made and worst of all, I looked at my body negatively."

If you're having trouble letting go of your "number" or feeling too impacted by the scale, heed Wells' advice: "The scale alone can NOT MEASURE YOUR HEALTH. Never mind the facts that your weight can fluctuate +/- five pounds within the SAME day due to a number of things, and that muscle mass weighs more than fat per volume, and that I weigh literally the SAME AMOUNT NOW when compared to what I did when I began my journey postpartum even though my body composition has changed entirely-typically and as far as your fitness journey goes, the scale tells you nothing more than your relationship with gravity on this planet."

She urged followers to remember that your weight or the size of your clothing shouldn't have an impact on your self-worth. "I know it is hard," she wrote. "I understand it can be easier said than done to let go of these things, but this is work you MUST do. Switch your focus to pure positivity. Focus on your HEALTH."

And if you're someone who needs to quantify their health, Wells suggests measuring something else entirely. Try measuring the number of push-ups you can do or the cups of water you're drinking or positive affirmations you give yourself," she wrote. "Or better yet, attempt to measure all the things your amazing body automatically does for you every single day."

Wells' post serves as a reminder that sometimes, a fitter body can actually mean gaining a few pounds (muscle is more dense than fat, after all). So if you've been working on building strength and have noticed the scale move up, don't sweat it. Choose to be proud of the work you're putting in and love your shape instead.