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Ways To Deal With Inferiority Complex

When it was first studied and analyzed by psychiatrists, it was pervasive in many adults, because of the various situations life puts them through. But nowadays, it is quite common in children too. Inferiority complex may be developed due to genetic factors, as well as due to personal experiences. With inferiority complex, there is always a feeling of inadequacy.  The most common causes are failure, being a victim of bullying, physical appearance etc. A person having inferiority complex is prone to depression, and in severe cases, even has suicidal tendencies.  When an inferiority complex is in full effect, it may impact the performance of the individual. Unconscious psychological and emotional processes can disrupt students' cognitive learning. Obiaks Blog brings to you, Ways to deal with Inferiority Complex;

1. Stay away from negative people for a while
It will stop those negative thoughts and feelings to creep up inside your devil's workshop. When you are surrounded by people who can only tell you of your shortcomings, it is bad for you to stay put in such company. When you delete the virus from your system, it becomes easier to function and becomes more efficient!

2. Talk to people and spend more time with your loved ones
Mingle with people because it will lessen the mental burden you feel.  Seek a psychiatrist's counsel if the need arises. It is definitely advisable to seek professional help. Spend quality time with your loved ones. They love you and will not mock at you.  Being around them will make you happy and comfortable. After all, family comes first!

3. Help other people and get involved in activities
Instead of feeling low and being a burden to yourself, stop worrying and get involved in volunteering activities or activities of any other similar kind. When you are a part of community activities, you will learn about teamwork and many other essential principles, which will wipe out your complex and anxiousness.

4. Do not make unnecessary assumptions!
People may not even look at us in an inferior way, but we think they do and make our lives miserable! Some people are too busy with their own lives that they fail to notice you. This doesn't mean that you are not noticeable. It shouldn't matter what other people think of you!

5. Look out for sources of motivation
There have been several heroes who have got across difficult situations through their sheer motivation and will power. You can draw inspiration from them. If you find creative pursuits like arts and music engrossing, take them up seriously, for they are the best sources of self-satisfaction and fulfillment.

6.  Stop the comparison, now!
To compare and come to a conclusion is a very unwise thing to do. You should focus on your betterment, regardless of how others seem. Besides, you don't even know what their life is all about, the inside story. Every person is different, born with different abilities and differing interests. It's like comparing apples and oranges at the end of the day. Both are equally sweet or equally sour. What is the whole point?

7. Focus on your strengths
Don't let your weaknesses define you. Don't dwell on your past failures. They are done and you cannot do anything about it. It is time you got pragmatic. Identify your strong points and take them seriously. Your forte is the one which will take you to great heights. Focus on your mighty abilities and fine tune them, so that they make you shine like the Alpha Centauri!

8. Work towards your goal, focus!
Find out your aptitude and interests. Work hard towards achieving them. All your fear and anxiety will vanish in no time. This is a great remedy to any mind related ailment like the inferiority complex. You should develop a vision and work towards it. Success lies in the ability to step from one failure to another, without the loss of enthusiasm.

9.  Identify the root cause and work on it
Physical appearance does not decide what you achieve in your life. It is not something you should feel very bad about. Everyone has some nice feature in them. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. It is subjective and can be debated about. Do not let it to douse the spirit in you. If you have failed previously, it only means that you have tried and luck didn't favour you! Never stop trying! Identify what exactly has caused inferiority complex and work on it, to eliminate it.

10.Love yourself and enjoy  yourself!
I will tell you two magical words: “Love Yourself!” Your parents, friends and dear ones love you. But first, you must learn to accept yourself for who you are, enjoy yourself and love yourself! It will ward off all the unnecessary stress. I would like to quote Dr.Seuss:  “Be who you are, because the people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind!” Be original!You are unique and special! Be happy always.

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