Planning a wedding is not a child's play whether you engage a wedding planner or not. It is very challenging and demanding because it requires thorough planning and of course money. The funds you have will go a long way in determining your type of wedding. But since Nigerians love weddings and it is once in a lifetime, they go all out and they don't mind breaking the bank. Regardless, if you are not careful, you will make some monumental money mistakes when planning your wedding. Not to worry, we identify some of these mistakes.
Talk about the budget
There is no gainsaying that you must have a budget when planning your wedding. However, you must ensure that you discuss the budget with your bride or groom. This will ensure that both of you are on the same page when the spending eventually starts.
You don't put a price to whatever you are shopping for
The prices of groceries and other items have significantly increased. Therefore, it is smart if you put a price on nearly everything to make your shopping easier. You can get the prices of whatever you want to buy online by going window shopping.
Sticking to your budget
Sticking to your budget when planning your wedding is not advisable because emergency expenses will always come up. You should make arrangement for these extra expenses so that you will not be caught in a web.
Not making arrangements on how to recoup money