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Prolong Your Life With The Following Nutritional Foods

Foods nutrients are component in foods that humans use to survive and grow; it can also be seen as a substance that provides nourishment for growth or metabolism. Maintaining our different body organs and system is one area that should be taken seriously.

Food scientists are of the opinion that we should always watch what we consumed both in liquid and solid form .not everything we consumed are healthy or good for the body. Most times foods, snacks or drinks may taste or look good but they kill our inner system, which brings about unending health struggles, premature death and untimely death.

Dr Abass Murray, A dietician with family medicine and public health at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine said, in as much as they are foods that can be harmful to the body, which a lot of people try to avoid, An average person does not really ask about what to consume to live a healthy longer life, we believe we know it all without being told but most times we consume the wrong stuff.

It is of utmost importance that we pep ourselves with life-friendly foods, have the needed knowledge and at least try to consume these foods more often than not. it should be noted that the different part of the body needs different foods and nutrients for better growth and maintenance, because if these organs are  not functioning properly then our life span would definitely be shorten.

Eating these life enhancing and prolonging foods comes with enormous benefits. The following can be gain from eating these foods:

It protect the heart from failing and working properly

It boosts one's memory and sharpens the mind

The muscles would be strengthen and devoid of any deformity and break down

Help promote and build strong bones and frame work for the entire body, one is free from bone decay

Helps in free flow of blood, because the parts of the body that transport and circulate blood will not be blocked by food we eat like food with high cholesterol.

It helps to boost the immune system, whereby fighting antibodies and diseases

It helps to keep the body going without a break down.

With the above outlined benefits, life prolonging food is imminent in our lives; we should start consuming them as often as possible to keep devastating, chronic and life threatening diseases at bay.


Experts are of the views that the more vegetables we eat, the more antioxidants we get. Antioxidants are the nutritional secret for a longer and healthier life because they help us stay young and prevent degenerative diseases. Eating vegetables which produces antioxidant chemical in the body helps to protect the cells against damage from excessive free radicals. A diet high in antioxidants is the best way to reduce the risk of ravaging diseases like heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, cataracts etc. vegetables like tomatoes, blueberries, green leafy veggies, spinach, kale, turmeric etc should be in our daily menu.

Low fat diet

Researchers are of the opinion that low fat diet boost longevity. These food include cheese, milk, lean meats, fish and sea foods like crabs, crayfish, snails, periwinkles etc.these foods help us to control our fat intake, cholesterol, carbs and calories

Calcium content foods

These foods help to build and maintain our muscles and bones. These will go a long way in making us fit devoid of pains and bad posture. This includes food like okra, fortified tofu, green beans, almonds; fish can with their bones etc.

 Sprouted whole organic Grains

Experts opined that grains that have not been altered should be eaten. the processed grains  have been altered through time and growing methods. This category of food includes organic sprouted wheat, organic sprouted brown rice, organic dried cane syrup, seasalt and organic sprouted spelt.

Good beverages

Drinking tea like the green tea can help lower the risk of heart diseases and cancer when consumed at least three times a week and we know how deadly these two diseases are. Coffee on the other hand can also boost good health and longevity if it is taken in a reduced rate and without additives. Coffee taken alone according to researchers can lower Parkinson's disease, dementia, stroke and certain cancers. Another very good beverage is the red wine, which has been linked to health benefit of protecting the heart, reducing blood pressure, cancer and anti-aging.

Minerals and vitamins content foods

These twin classes of food are considered essential nutrients because they help shore up bones, heal wounds and bolster your immune system. They also assist to convert food into energy and repair cellular damage. Best sources for these nutrients are poultry, dried beans, nuts, legumes and dairy products.

Conclusively, to live longer, one of the basic health principles is to eat real food devoid of chemicals and additives. Consumed foods without or has not gone through industrial processing and you will be on your way to long life.






 Prolong your life with the following nutritional foods

Foods nutrients are component in foods that humans use to survive and grow; it can also be seen as a substance that provides nourishment for growth or metabolism. Maintaining our different body organs and system is one area that should be taken seriously.

Food scientists are of the opinion that we should always watch what we consumed both in liquid and solid form .not everything we consumed are healthy or good for the body. Most times foods, snacks or drinks may taste or look good but they kill our inner system, which brings about unending health struggles, premature death and untimely death.

Dr Abass Murray, A dietician with family medicine and public health at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine said, in as much as they are foods that can be harmful to the body, which a lot of people try to avoid, An average person does not really ask about what to consume to live a healthy longer life, we believe we know it all without being told but most times we consume the wrong stuff.

It is of utmost importance that we pep ourselves with life-friendly foods, have the needed knowledge and at least try to consume these foods more often than not. it should be noted that the different part of the body needs different foods and nutrients for better growth and maintenance, because if these organs are  not functioning properly then our life span would definitely be shorten.

Eating these life enhancing and prolonging foods comes with enormous benefits. The following can be gain from eating these foods:

It protect the heart from failing and working properly

It boosts one's memory and sharpens the mind

The muscles would be strengthen and devoid of any deformity and break down

Help promote and build strong bones and frame work for the entire body, one is free from bone decay

Helps in free flow of blood, because the parts of the body that transport and circulate blood will not be blocked by food we eat like food with high cholesterol.

It helps to boost the immune system, whereby fighting antibodies and diseases

It helps to keep the body going without a break down.

With the above outlined benefits, life prolonging food is imminent in our lives; we should start consuming them as often as possible to keep devastating, chronic and life threatening diseases at bay.


Experts are of the views that the more vegetables we eat, the more antioxidants we get. Antioxidants are the nutritional secret for a longer and healthier life because they help us stay young and prevent degenerative diseases. Eating vegetables which produces antioxidant chemical in the body helps to protect the cells against damage from excessive free radicals. A diet high in antioxidants is the best way to reduce the risk of ravaging diseases like heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, cataracts etc. vegetables like tomatoes, blueberries, green leafy veggies, spinach, kale, turmeric etc should be in our daily menu.

Low fat diet

Researchers are of the opinion that low fat diet boost longevity. These food include cheese, milk, lean meats, fish and sea foods like crabs, crayfish, snails, periwinkles etc.these foods help us to control our fat intake, cholesterol, carbs and calories

Calcium content foods

These foods help to build and maintain our muscles and bones. These will go a long way in making us fit devoid of pains and bad posture. This includes food like okra, fortified tofu, green beans, almonds; fish can with their bones etc.

 Sprouted whole organic Grains

Experts opined that grains that have not been altered should be eaten. the processed grains  have been altered through time and growing methods. This category of food includes organic sprouted wheat, organic sprouted brown rice, organic dried cane syrup, seasalt and organic sprouted spelt.

Good beverages

Drinking tea like the green tea can help lower the risk of heart diseases and cancer when consumed at least three times a week and we know how deadly these two diseases are. Coffee on the other hand can also boost good health and longevity if it is taken in a reduced rate and without additives. Coffee taken alone according to researchers can lower Parkinson's disease, dementia, stroke and certain cancers. Another very good beverage is the red wine, which has been linked to health benefit of protecting the heart, reducing blood pressure, cancer and anti-aging.

Minerals and vitamins content foods

These twin classes of food are considered essential nutrients because they help shore up bones, heal wounds and bolster your immune system. They also assist to convert food into energy and repair cellular damage. Best sources for these nutrients are poultry, dried beans, nuts, legumes and dairy products.

Conclusively, to live longer, one of the basic health principles is to eat real food devoid of chemicals and additives. Consumed foods without or has not gone through industrial processing and you will be on your way to long life.












 Prolong your life with the following nutritional foods

Foods nutrients are component in foods that humans use to survive and grow; it can also be seen as a substance that provides nourishment for growth or metabolism. Maintaining our different body organs and system is one area that should be taken seriously.

Food scientists are of the opinion that we should always watch what we consumed both in liquid and solid form .not everything we consumed are healthy or good for the body. Most times foods, snacks or drinks may taste or look good but they kill our inner system, which brings about unending health struggles, premature death and untimely death.

Dr Abass Murray, A dietician with family medicine and public health at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine said, in as much as they are foods that can be harmful to the body, which a lot of people try to avoid, An average person does not really ask about what to consume to live a healthy longer life, we believe we know it all without being told but most times we consume the wrong stuff.

It is of utmost importance that we pep ourselves with life-friendly foods, have the needed knowledge and at least try to consume these foods more often than not. it should be noted that the different part of the body needs different foods and nutrients for better growth and maintenance, because if these organs are  not functioning properly then our life span would definitely be shorten.

Eating these life enhancing and prolonging foods comes with enormous benefits. The following can be gain from eating these foods:

It protect the heart from failing and working properly

It boosts one's memory and sharpens the mind

The muscles would be strengthen and devoid of any deformity and break down

Help promote and build strong bones and frame work for the entire body, one is free from bone decay

Helps in free flow of blood, because the parts of the body that transport and circulate blood will not be blocked by food we eat like food with high cholesterol.

It helps to boost the immune system, whereby fighting antibodies and diseases

It helps to keep the body going without a break down.

With the above outlined benefits, life prolonging food is imminent in our lives; we should start consuming them as often as possible to keep devastating, chronic and life threatening diseases at bay.


Experts are of the views that the more vegetables we eat, the more antioxidants we get. Antioxidants are the nutritional secret for a longer and healthier life because they help us stay young and prevent degenerative diseases. Eating vegetables which produces antioxidant chemical in the body helps to protect the cells against damage from excessive free radicals. A diet high in antioxidants is the best way to reduce the risk of ravaging diseases like heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, cataracts etc. vegetables like tomatoes, blueberries, green leafy veggies, spinach, kale, turmeric etc should be in our daily menu.

Low fat diet

Researchers are of the opinion that low fat diet boost longevity. These food include cheese, milk, lean meats, fish and sea foods like crabs, crayfish, snails, periwinkles etc.these foods help us to control our fat intake, cholesterol, carbs and calories

Calcium content foods

These foods help to build and maintain our muscles and bones. These will go a long way in making us fit devoid of pains and bad posture. This includes food like okra, fortified tofu, green beans, almonds; fish can with their bones etc.

 Sprouted whole organic Grains

Experts opined that grains that have not been altered should be eaten. the processed grains  have been altered through time and growing methods. This category of food includes organic sprouted wheat, organic sprouted brown rice, organic dried cane syrup, seasalt and organic sprouted spelt.

Good beverages

Drinking tea like the green tea can help lower the risk of heart diseases and cancer when consumed at least three times a week and we know how deadly these two diseases are. Coffee on the other hand can also boost good health and longevity if it is taken in a reduced rate and without additives. Coffee taken alone according to researchers can lower Parkinson's disease, dementia, stroke and certain cancers. Another very good beverage is the red wine, which has been linked to health benefit of protecting the heart, reducing blood pressure, cancer and anti-aging.

Minerals and vitamins content foods

These twin classes of food are considered essential nutrients because they help shore up bones, heal wounds and bolster your immune system. They also assist to convert food into energy and repair cellular damage. Best sources for these nutrients are poultry, dried beans, nuts, legumes and dairy products.

Conclusively, to live longer, one of the basic health principles is to eat real food devoid of chemicals and additives. Consumed foods without or has not gone through industrial processing and you will be on your way to long life.





















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