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Successful Tips On Juggling Career With Parenting

The economy has changed the world over and our patriarchal society has evolved and in the long run women are not only heard but also seen, this has brought about the evolution of both sexes juggling both career and family life unlike before where only the men do the career thing while women took care of the home front.

 With this revolution, it has left the children at the mercy of deprivation of good quality time with their parents; care, love, mentorship, guidance and goodwill, making the children vulnerable to a lot of deviant behaviors.

A renounced child psychologist  Ms Prisca Brown, MD, “Child Care Trust”, is of the opinion that with the abdication of parenting responsibilities, especially the way children care have been left in the hands of nannies and care givers, children will be growing up without proper bonding with their parents and of course, this comes with diverse consequences.

A research carried out by a home owner for the aged, showed from the answers filled by the children that drop their parents off the aged home, shows a large percentage of children answering in the affirmative that one reason of not bonding well with their aged parent, point to the fact that, they were hardly close to such parent in their growing period.

A fulfilled warlord on his sick bed was once asked what he regretted most about life and his answer was mind boggling and an eye opener when he said that  he was quite impressed with the outcome of his life and even on his dying bed he was happy with his career life and wish to come in the next life as a fighter but sincerely wished he had done one thing differently and that is spending more time to care and bond with his kids and this singular regret alone has killed the joy of all his labor both in his land and on foreign land and even on his sick bed  he wrote a book on “parental requisite for successful children upbringing”, and till his last breathe he became a fore-runner and an advocate for parental bonding successful children upbringing.

From an online study the following were enumerated as the merits for bonding with the kids even as career driven parents:

·         it makes the children happy and they will not be social deviants

·         this will make the children to be mentally and emotionally stable

·         positive bonding with a child gives the child a sense of belonging ,security and a solid foundation for development in all areas

·         it helps parents to develop deeper empathy for the children feelings, it enables parents share in the child's world of excitement, pains and resentments

·         it helps strengthen the love for the kids and help the children to develop their full potentials

·         it helps the children see the parents as friends and ally and not opponents or pokenosers

·         It helps the kids overcome fear of life and help the kids see pressure of life from a different perspective, because they now know they have got a back-bone.

·         It gives the children the belief that they have personal counselors, guidance and the right mentorship in any chaotic situation and also help to build their self-confidence..

With the above benefits, I think it is of utmost interest that parents should strive to have quality time with their children, no matter the mouth-watering offers that come with a job. The money wouldn't be enough to solve the damages done to these kids when the chips are now.

Have you been having issues on how to create a bonding time with your kids and you are always thinking of a way out, then practicalize with the tips below and you would be glad you did.


Don't extend your office work to the home

It will augur well for the family if one doesn't turn the home into a second office. Make it a habit of focusing on home based struggles especially meeting the children daily demands.try to win all the medals at home with home related stuff, seek to win the heart of your kids by showing them love, care and mentorship. Let all career related things end in the office. Try to get home on time, have dinner with the kid or kids especially if getting home for lunch wasn't possible. You could bond with them during meals.

Create fun-time-out with the kids

Nothing gives the kids fond memories like remembering all the fond things they did with their parents even in adulthood the memories lingers on. Don't just drop them off and hurry away, spend quality time finding out their kind of games, sports and leisure and join them in the games. Apparently you would creating an everlasting memories on their minds

Reduce the time the children spend outside the home

Don't allow your child or children spend much time with nannies, caregivers, minders or in the nursery. Create ample time to also bond with them. Be also in their lives, I know it can be energy sapping running round with the very young ones and you might definitely need an assistance, please remember the meaning “assistance ‘just an helper. So the bulk of the job still rest on your shoulders. Please carry them without trying to keep them for anybody, it is solely your responsibility and you delight in it, in the nearest future.

Night time-out bonding

Bonding time doesn't need specific time, it could be any time of the day especially on days we are less busy and energy is high. if you couldn't be with the kids throughout the day, you could make it up to them at night, while don't you tuck them in early in bed, then tell them bed time stories; read them a book or a poem and also try to sing lullaby for them to send down a sound sleep. You can't even imagine the magical bonding that would go on between you and your kids.

Be their mentor and friend

It is pertinent that you become your children guide, friend, counselor and preacher. It is on record that in the formative years of a child, he or she lives and grow through imitation and copying whatever they see their parents do, be it good or bad. So don't allow the quest for money, career medals, promotion fame or trophies make your children copy bad habits and behavsours from morally bankrupt people. Create time them to direct, correct and advise your children, that way, you would be creating a magnetic bond with your children and you would become their go-to-person.

Lastly, while we run around as parents to achieve your dreams of becoming whatever we set our minds to become which is very good but it will be better that we also infuse into our time and schedule, some valuable space for our children. A lot of children get damaged from their formative years and later on in life when they turn out wrong, we begin to question where we got it all wrong. An adage says, “make frantic effort to search for a black goat while it is not yet dark”. The gain of bonding with your child/children far outweighs any pecuniary benefits that you might achieve in the pursuit of career or whatever dreams or aspiration you may have. So parents, this is a clarion call to start the bonding process with our kids as early as possible despite all obstacles or challenges. The ball is in your court to act wisely while you can.



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