Pregnancy and childbirth make women very special. This is the best gift a woman can have. However, women face a lot of problems during pregnancy due to body changes like discomfort while standing, walking, and sitting. As a woman's belly grows, discomfort arises during sleep as well.
Along with increased belly, there are other factors like frequent urination, shortness of breath, back pain, etc. Therefore, we offer you couple of very useful advice so that you can enjoy your sleep during pregnancy.
Sleeping on the left side enables proper blood supply to the baby and also protects the heart's health.
Sleeping on the back is not recommendable for pregnant women as it pressures the baby and the mother's organs.
Maternity pillows are exceptionally recommendable as they are specifically designed for this phase. In the same time, they lift and rest the adequate body parts.
During pregnancy, the bladder's capacity decreases and holding urine becomes difficult. Therefore, avoid drinking liquids 2 hours before going to bed.
Every trimester means different sizes of the abdomen which require different comfort levels. Therefore, you should sleep accordingly. In the first trimester, the sleeping position is not important, whereas in the second trimester, you should sleep only on the left side. During the third trimester, sleep in your favorite position, but don't sleep on your back.
Wear looser clothes so that the body can breathe during sleeping.
Try mediation before sleeping to keep your mind free of worries.
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